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Biblical illustration showing manna falling from heaven. Source: University of Edinburgh / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Manna: What Was the Mysterious Substance that Fed the Israelites for 40 Years?

Are you wondering what exactly “manna” is? Well, you are not alone. It may be something of a familiar word, but what it originally was is a bit of a mystery. According to the Bible, manna refers to...
The well-preserved head of the Tollund Man. Source: A. Mikkelsen / Antiquity Publications Ltd

The Tollund Man Spills His Guts: New Analysis of Bog Body’s Last Meal

There has long been an obsession with final-menu fantasies, as evidenced by the amount of literature dedicated to last meals on death row in the United States. Now, researchers in Denmark have...
A man contorting his face at the idea of some of the weirdest foods in history. Source: Kurhan / Adobe Stock

A Test for the Taste Buds: The 7 Weirdest Foods in History

In many ways, the culinary arts of preparing food are the oldest in the world. Ever since becoming sentient, humans had to experiment with cooking in order to sustain themselves. From the dawn of...
Pork hams and sausages. Based on the latest research study of food remnants in Islamic Sicily from medieval cooking pots we now know that the urban Muslims did not eat pork, but that rural people under their rule did. (April D / Adobe Stock)

Medieval Cooking Pots Reveal Rural People Under Muslim Rule Ate Pork!

The island of Sicily is not somewhere most of us would immediately associate with having been a powerful Islamic kingdom. However, between 841 and 1091 AD, the Emirate of Sicily was a key political...
Nok Culture Pottery Reveals Honey Hunting Happened 3,500 Years Ago

Nok Culture Pottery Reveals Honey Hunting Happened 3,500 Years Ago

Honey hunting is a practice of gathering honey from domesticated or wild bee colonies and hives. It is a practice for which evidence has been found in ancient history and it is still practiced by...
Shellfish Extravaganza at Iron Age Feast Unearthed in Ancient Orkney

What Prompted the Shellfish Extravaganza at an Iron Age Feast Site, Orkney?

Archaeologists in the far north of Scotland have unearthed thousands of seashells from the remains of an Iron Age feast dating back to around the 5 th century AD, including 18,630 sea snail shells...
Eating Like an Ancient: 5 Surprising Foods You Can Still Try Today

Eating Like an Ancient: 5 Surprising Foods You Can Still Try Today

They say we just need food to survive, but we all know we eat good food to really live! The ancients knew this as well, and that sentiment was echoed across time and cultures, creating vibrant,...
Researchers in Australia have discovered ancient moth remains in an eastern Victoria cave, shedding light on a traditional food that was prepared 2,000 years ago.

2,000-Year-Old Moth Meal Discovered in Australia

Cloggs Cave near Buchan, in eastern Victoria's alpine region, is located on ancestral territory of the Gunaikurnai people. This is the location of the first conclusive archaeological evidence of...
What was daily life like in ancient Rome?

Dawn to Dusk: The Highs and Lows of Daily Life in Ancient Rome

Living in the Mediterranean, daily life in ancient Rome revolved around the climate. Unlike the more northern Europeans of the past and today, the ancient Romans started their days early in the...
Mediterranean Cultures Imported Asian Exotic Foods Before 1700 BC

Mediterranean Cultures Imported Asian Exotic Foods Before 1700 BC

The remains of exotic foods, spices and oils discovered on the calculus of ancient teeth discovered around the Mediterranean have been analyzed revealing new insights into the ancient Bronze Age food...
Grasshopper Diet Caused Lethal Constipation 1,000 Years Ago

Grasshopper Diet Caused Lethal Constipation 1,000 Years Ago

A naturally mummified man was found to have had a grasshopper diet for several months before he died. His body was found in 1937 when a young man called Guy Skiles was exploring in a rock-shelter...
The analysis of fat residues on pottery reveals clues about ancient Indus Valley food preferences.

Pot Residues Lift the Lid on Ancient Indus Valley Food Choices

Researchers are getting a glimpse into ancient Indus Valley food choices by analyzing residues on ceramic pots from urban and rural settlements during the Mature Harappan period (c.2600/2500–1900 BC...
Andy Hook from Blackfriars Restaurant in Newcastle has joined forces with Giles Gaspar from Durham University’s Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, along with a group of scholars and chefs, to create a series of courses aiming to teach students about medieval food. Source: Eat Medieval

Calling Medieval Foodies! Online Courses for Cooking Medieval Food

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. This old adage has now been taken to a whole new level in the northeast of England. A team of...
Etruscans Transported Bees by Boat to Reach the Best Flowers!

Etruscans Transported Bees by Boat to Reach the Best Flowers!

The discovery of an ancient Etruscan honey harvesting workshop at Focello in Italy, and the analysis of charred remains unearthed at the site, has let archaeologists to propose a remarkable...
5,000-Year-Old Mystery Solved: Lady of Bietikow Died from a Tooth Infection!

5,000-Year-Old Mystery Solved: Lady of Bietikow Died from a Tooth Infection!

With clues from the crumbled, broken architecture of a 5000-year-old woman’s mouth, scientists are revealing secrets about ancient diets. The teeth belong to the Lady of Bietikow, who was discovered...
Just Like Us, Neanderthal Babies Ate Solid Food at 6 Months Old

Just Like Us, Neanderthal Babies Ate Solid Food at 6 Months Old

A new study proves that just like modern humans, Neanderthal babies were also weaned at six months old. This fascinating new discovery comes after a team of researchers studied three Neanderthal milk...
Ancient humans were eating snakes and lizards 15,000 years ago. Source: boyloso / Adobe Stock

Ancient Humans Sat Down to Meals of Snakes and Lizards

A team of Israeli researchers have discovered the first evidence of ancient humans eating snakes and lizards as part of their diet. The University of Haifa archaeologists say 15,000 years ago...
The Egyptian egg ovens are still in use by farmers still over 2,000 years later. Source: Lenny Hoferwerf / Courtesy of Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2006) / Reproduced with permission

Ancient Egyptian Egg Ovens That Are Better Than Modern Tech

It is no secret that the ancient Egyptians left a lasting and impressive heritage. The relics of their time dot the world and are marveled by many - from the pyramids to the mummies, from imposing...
Colorful Indian Kangayam Holy Cow ready for pongal festival.           Source: pradeep/ Adobe stock

Happy Pongal! The Ancient Indian Festival That Honors Nature

Many societies celebrate the changing of the seasons and harvest time. One of the most elaborate festivals in India is the Lohri, better known as the Pongal. This is a four-day Hindu festival that...
Border Cave Excavation site, Lebombo Mountains, South Africa.        Source: Credit Dr Lucinda Backwell/ Wits University

170,000-Year-Old Human Diet Contained Roast Vegetables

New research focused on the roasted remnants of rootstalks found in a Lebombo Mountain cave in South Africa suggests early humans brought the plants to the cave to feed to their young and old. A new...
An ancient Irish feast used to take place at important times at what is now known as the Navan Centre and Fort. Source: Visit Armagh

Ancient Irish Pagans Made Epic Journeys for Ceremonial Feast

A study of animal remains at one of Ireland’s most important archaeological sites has provided researchers with new insights into the Iron Age, revealing that ancient pagans traveled vast distances...
Roman wine was sweetened with toxic 'sugar of lead'

Savoring the Danger: Romans Loved Toxic 'Sugar of Lead' Wine

How far did ancient people go to enhance the flavor of their food and drinks? Would they consume toxic substances if it made things a little more appetizing? The Romans did, by adding a sweet version...
: “The First Thanksgiving 1621, oil on canvas by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1899). The painting shows common misconceptions about the event that persist to modern times: Pilgrims did not wear such outfits, and the Wampanoag are dressed in the style of Native Americans from the Great

American Thanksgiving Origins and Roots in the Old World

As the leaves turn beautiful golden and fiery red hues, the weather gets colder, and people prepare for the oncoming winter in the Northern Hemisphere, Americans enjoy the annual celebration of...
Babylonian relief carving. Credit: Andrea Izzotti / Adobe Stock

Eat Like a Mesopotamian: Experts Reconstruct 4000-Year-Old Recipes

Mesopotamia is considered to be home to one of the first civilizations and it decisively shaped world history. Now thanks to some of the oldest culinary recipes, inscribed on clay tablets, we now...
