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The rabbit hole which produced the prehistoric finds on Skokholm Island.       Source: Richard Brown and Giselle Eagle, WTSWW / Royal Commission RCAHMW).

Burrowing Rabbits Discover Priceless Artifacts On Skokholm Island

On uninhabited Skokholm Island, two miles off the coast of Wales, burrowing rabbits dug out two Stone Age tools and one Bronze Age piece of pottery. Although it was the Skokholm bunnies that...
Images of six of the medieval treasures found in Wales by metal detectorists in recent years.

Stunning Medieval Treasures Discovered in Wales By Metal Detectorists

Eight medieval and late medieval treasures have been discovered in Wales, UK, all found by metal detectorists. These treasures offer anthropologists insights into the life of wealthy members of Welsh...
Welsh Nationalists Want Stonehenge Bluestones Returned to Wales

Welsh Nationalists Want Stonehenge Bluestones Returned to Wales

A group of Welsh nationalists and a tourism leader have stated that if Greece is able to actively reclaim the controversial Elgin Marbles , then Wales should consider reclaiming the Stonehenge...
Subterranean Discovery: Medieval Welsh Abbey Tunnel from Norman Invasion Period

Subterranean Discovery: Medieval Welsh Abbey Tunnel from Norman Invasion Period

Archaeologists announced the discovery of a 12th-century tunnel network beneath an abbey in Wales. This tunnel beneath a popular Welsh abbey is so long that that archaeologists project that it will...
9,000-Year-Old Camping Hotspot Found Near Welsh Castle

9,000-Year-Old Camping Hotspot Found Near Welsh Castle

In the shadow of famous Rhuddlan Castle , just a few short kilometers from the northern Welsh coast, archaeologists have unearthed a Mesolithic camp site that predates King Edward I’s 13 th century...
Monumental Discovery! More of the Stonehenge Origin Story Comes to Light

Monumental Discovery! More of the Stonehenge Origin Story Comes to Light

Are you familiar with the monoliths at Waun Mawn? Maybe not, but a team of researchers believes that the dismantled stone circle in the Preseli Hills of west Wales is extremely significant. They have...
Caernarfon Castle Dig Reveals More Ancient Secrets

Caernarfon Castle Dig Reveals More Ancient Secrets

In January 2019, a team of archaeologists from the University of Salford launched a large-scale excavation at Caernarfon Castle, one of Wales’s most famous historical sites. This grand and...
30 Years of Plastic Age Relics Overshadow Iron Age Heritage Site

30 Years of Plastic Age Relics Overshadow Iron Age Heritage Site

The Plastic Age is a term some scholars suggest we use to refer to the modern, plastic dominated times in which we live. Plastic usage and littering is also linked to the Anthropocene – the...
Wales Flag on Blue Sky.

How the Welsh Flag Became the Coolest Flag in the World

One of the most striking national flags is that of Wales. In an online poll, it was voted the coolest of all the over 200 national flags around the globe. Its main feature is a dragon that is meant...
Hidden Welsh Witchcraft Den And Demon Traps Discovered In Old Home

Hidden Welsh Witchcraft Den And Demon Traps Discovered In Old Home

A home full of occult objects has attracted enormous interest, recently. A hidden space beneath a staircase in a 16th-century Welsh home was filled with occult objects, including animal skulls and a...
Modern Welsh love spoon on flower petals

The Sweet Symbolism of a Welsh Love Spoon

Roses are red Violets are blue, Presenting a spoon Means I love you While one often thinks of presenting his/her loved ones with flowers or candy as a gesture of romance, it was once more common to...
Bardsey Island

Bardsey Island – A Small Land for 20,000 Holy Souls

For being only one mile long by less than a mile wide, Bardsey Island is a small piece of land, but it is of great historical and cultural significance. The island’s reputation is bolstered through...
Oil painting of Caernarfon Castle in 1846 by Hugh Hughes, from the National Library of Wales. Photo source: Public domain.

Caernarfon Castle: The Imposing Welsh Constantinople

Caernarfon Castle (often anglicized as Carnarvon or Caernarvon) is a castle in Caernarfon, in the northern Welsh county of Gwynedd, that was built during the Middle Ages. The castle is closely...
People have vandalized a Welsh ring cairn by using it as a motorbike circuit. Source:  AA+W / Adobe Stock

Irresponsible Bikers Use 3,000-Year-OId Ring Cairn as Motorbike Circuit

Scrambler motorbikes are a popular pastime in many countries, including Britain. However, a group of irresponsible scramblers have been using a 3000-year-old Welsh ring cairn as a motorbike circuit...
It may not seem like it today, but Harlech Castle is Wales has witnessed Welsh rebellions, the Wars of the Roses and the English Civil War. Source: Darren Tennant / Flickr

Harlech Castle: Wales’ Most Formidable Fortress

Harlech Castle is a medieval castle located in Harlech, in the Welsh county of Gwynedd. The castle was built during the 13 th century by the English king, Edward I, as part of an ‘iron ring’ of...
There is a new theory about how the huge stones got to Stonehenge. Source: Lisa /Adobe Stock

Everything Changes at Stonehenge as Pivotal Theory is “Totally Destroyed”

Scientists in England have determined Stonehenge's huge blocks were transported over land, rejecting the theory that Neolithic builders “floated” the huge slabs from Wales to the construction site at...
Roman lead ingot	Source: Ian Grant/ © Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust

Metal Detectorist Finds Rare Lost Roman Lead Ingot in Wales

A metal detectorist in Wales, Great Britain, has made an important discovery. He unearthed a large lead ingot, inscribed and dated to the time of Roman rule. This find is providing experts more...
Left: Portrait of Llywelyn the Great (Hogyncymru / CC BY-SA 4.0). 	Right: Stain glass window depiction of Llywelyn the Great (Llywelyn2000 / CC BY-SA 4.0).

Was Llywelyn the Great Wales’ Greatest Native Ruler?

Llywelyn ap Iorwerth, more commonly known as Llywelyn the Great (or Llywelyn Fawr in Welsh) was a Welsh prince who lived between the 12 th and 13 th century. Lylwelyn is considered to be the greatest...
Representation of a medieval knight walking along a beach. Credit: bint87 / Adobe Stock

Medieval Knight Wielding ‘Excalibur’ Stopped By Armed Police

Three police officers from the Welsh police special firearms unit have confronted a sword-wielding “medieval knight,” by a lake in Cardiff. King Arthur was one of the most illustrious legendary...
The legendary Welsh dragon. Credit: warpaintcobra / Adobe Stock

The Legendary Welsh Dragon that Expelled the Saxons

The Welsh Dragon is a heraldic symbol of Wales, and arguably one of the country’s most recognizable symbols. The image is most notably seen on the flag of Wales. Additionally, this symbol is also...
Stained glass depicting Saint David. Source: Hchc2009 / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Miracle from the Womb: Saint David, Patron Saint of Wales

Saint David (known in Welsh as Dewi Sant) was a Welsh bishop who is recorded to have lived during the 6th century AD. Not much is known about Saint David and the main source of information about the...
The Newport Medieval Ship being excavated and restored.    Source: Owain at the English language Wikipedia / CC BY-SA 3.0

Medieval Wine ‘Supertanker’ Saved by Community in Wales

A unique project is taking place in the United Kingdom to rebuild a ‘one-of-a-kind’ 15 th century ship in Wales. This vessel is from the Age of Discovery and is the best surviving example from this...
Holy Island is named for its many burials. This Late Roman cist cemetery was uncovered during the dig. Source: Gwynedd Archaeological Trust.

Archaeological Finds Tell the Story of Wales’ Holy Island

In the United Kingdom, finds from a remarkable archaeological project are being unveiled to the public for the first time. This treasure trove of artifacts provides an insight into the 6,000 year...
Bluestone like those used to build Stonehenge were reportedly stolen from Preseli Hills in Pembrokeshire

Stonehenge Bluestone Stolen for Garden Ornamentation

An ancient bluestone of the type used to build England’s world-famous stone circle Stonehenge was stolen from Preseli Hills in Wales, bundled into a car, and taken 10 miles away to be used as garden...
