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Newly-discovered tunnels in Puebla.

Urban Myth Confirmed True as Archaeologists Discover Hidden Tunnels in Mexico

Talk of a maze of underground tunnels beneath the Colonial city of Puebla in Mexico have long been disregarded as mere urban legend. However, city authorities have now confirmed that their existence...
Chavin de Huantar ruins in Peru, where one researcher says the mythical home of the ancient Greek Gorgon may have been.

Ancient Greek Legend Seems to Describe a Place in Peru: Early Contact?

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times In the 8th century BC, the Greek poet Hesiod described in his Theogony a place at the end of the Earth where the gorgons dwell, where the god Atlas appears as a giant...
Discovery of New Prehistoric Underground Tunnels at Bosnian Pyramids

Exclusive: Discovery of New Prehistoric Underground Tunnels at Bosnian Pyramids

Ten years of scientific and archaeological investigation of the Bosnian pyramids have brought many exciting moments as well as dramatic turnovers which are seeking the redefining of our knowledge...
Ten Amazing Caves of the Ancient World

Ten Amazing Caves of the Ancient World

Caves play an important role in the story of humanity. In addition to providing shelter for our earliest ancestors, caves were also often considered to be mystical and magical realms. For some...
Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl may lead to Royal Tomb

River of Mercury in Underworld of Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl may lead to Royal Tomb

Archaeologists believe that a recent discovery of liquid mercury in a subterranean tunnel beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan, Mexico, may represent an underworld river that...
One of the many subterranean chambers discovered by Luciano Faggiano during his excavations under Lecce, Italy.

Man Intent on Fixing Toilet Uncovers Centuries-Old Subterranean World Beneath his Basement

An Italian man’s dream to open a modest restaurant became an archaeological obsession when he broke ground in order to repair a faulty toilet. The underground world filled with centuries of history...
1,000-year-old underground passage discovered in the Caha Mountains of Ireland

1,000-year-old underground passage discovered in the Caha Mountains of Ireland

Workers operating an excavator during a road-widening project in the Caha mountain range in County Cork made a surprising discovery, when they accidentally made an opening in the earth that exposed...
Famous painting depicts the goddess Aphrodite-Venus, having emerged from the sea as a fully grown woman, arriving at the sea-shore.

Temple in ancient city of Odessus reveals Greek Goddess Aphrodite was worshipped by Thracians

A new look into a Thracian temple buried beneath Roman baths is challenging what researchers once thought about the worship of deities in the ancient city of Odessus, now the Bulgarian Black Sea city...
The unique landscape of the Loess Plateau in Shanxi Province.

Yaodongs: Cave dwellings of the ancient world

The population of the world today is greater than any period in history, and it is expected to increase exponentially in the next couple of decades. This has caused concern for some as to whether the...
Vast ancient underground city beneath Cappadocia

Vast ancient underground city beneath Cappadocia being excavated

The newly-discovered subterranean city beneath Nevşehir in Turkey is mysterious, intriguing, and rich with history. The caves, tunnels, hidden churches, and escape galleries, which were uncovered...
Smoothed chambers and tunnels through salt run deep into the vast Khewra Salt Mines.

The enormous and ancient Salt Mines of Khewra, said to be found by horse of Alexander the Great

It is perhaps due to the importance of salt that one of the biggest salt mines in the world is associated with one of the greatest conquerors of the ancient world. Cheap and easily available, s alt...
Part of the Basilica Cistern, near the Hagia Sophia.

The Underground World of the Hagia Sophia

For over a thousand years until its fall to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, the city of Constantinople was one of the greatest urban centres in the Christian world. At the heart of this city was the Hagia...
Massive 5,000-year-old underground city uncovered in Cappadocia, Turkey

Massive 5,000-year-old underground city uncovered in Cappadocia, Turkey

The region of Cappadocia in central Turkey is home to one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world – deep valleys and soaring rock formations dotted with homes, chapels, tombs, temples and...
The subterranean wonder of the Celtic Hypogeum

The subterranean wonder of the Celtic Hypogeum

In Northern Italy’s Friuli-Venezia Giulia you can find the town and commune of Cividale del Friuli, where there is a fascinating and mysterious site – the Celtic Hypogeum. This subterranean wonder...
Ancient Etruscan Underground Pyramids Discovered in Italy

The Mysterious Ancient Etruscan Underground Pyramids Discovered in Italy

When archaeologists discovered the first ever Etruscan pyramid-like buildings under a city in Italy, they were at a loss to explain the mysterious structures. Three years ago a team of U.S. and...

Ancient tunnel under Teotihuacan may lead to Royal tombs

Mexican archaeologists have announced that a years-long exploration of an underground tunnel beneath the ancient city of Teotihuacan in Mexico has yielded thousands of artifacts and may lead to royal...
Necromanteion – The Ancient Temple of the Dead

Necromanteion – The Ancient Temple of the Dead

The Necromanteion was an ancient temple dedicated to the god of the Underworld, Hades, and his consort, the goddess Persephone. According to ancient Greek beliefs, while the bodies of the dead...
Underground Baiae

The Mystery of the Roman Tunnels of Baiae

There are certain places on Earth in which nature is imbued with the supernatural. Over the ages, human beings attach mythological stories to these places of mystery; one such place is located at the...
Ten Cities from the Ancient World

Ten Amazing Cities from the Ancient World

From cities that lay hidden for millennia under desert sands, to Bronze Age metropolises, jungle cities, and entire complexes constructed on coral reefs, giant rocks, underground caverns, or carved...
Secret underground tunnels of ancient Mesopotamian cult - Ani ruins

Secret underground tunnels of ancient Mesopotamian cult under Ani ruins

For the first time in history, the academic world is paying attention to the spectacular underground world of Ani, a 5,000-year-old Armenian city located on the Turkish-Armenian border. Hurriyet...
Ancient underground city in Anatolia

The ancient underground city discovered beneath a house in Anatolia

In 2014, a home owner living in the Melikgazi district of Kayseri province in Anatolia made a surprising discovery while clearing out an area under his house – a subterranean city, of which 4,000...
Underground Monuments in Stonehenge

Fifteen previously unknown monuments discovered underground in Stonehenge landscape

A groundbreaking new survey of Stonehenge and its surrounds has revealed fifteen previously unknown Neolithic monuments underground, according to a new report released by the Smithsonian Institute ...
Iram of the Pillars, the Lost ‘Atlantis of the Sands’

Iram of the Pillars, the Lost ‘Atlantis of the Sands’

The literature of past civilizations often mention cities which are now lost to humanity, the most famous of those being the lost city of Atlantis. On a smaller scale, Arabia has its own legend of a...
The Hellfire Caves of West Wycombe

The Hellfire Caves of West Wycombe

The Hellfire Caves of West Wycombe are a network of man-made chalk and flint caverns in Buckinghamshire, England, made famous by their sordid past. They are named after the infamous Hellfire Club,...
