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Old Indian Shiva temple unearthed on the Penna River near Peramalla Padu village, Andra Pradesh, India       Source: ANI

Villagers Unearth Indian Temple Buried in River Sand

In India , local people have discovered an old temple that had been buried beneath river sand for 80 years. The Hindhu temple is dedicated to Lord Nageswara and was once immensely popular with...
When Kalki the Destroyer Descends: Greed, Corruption, War, Destruction, and the Apocalypse

When Kalki the Destroyer Descends, the Apocalypse Begins

A harbinger of the apocalypse, it is believed that Kalki will bring about the destruction of the world when mankind has completely abandoned religion, “when nothing is known of the techniques of...
Immortal man

Could Humans Become Immortal by 2045?

Immortality has been a dream of human beings since the dawn of time. Mankind´s fascination with cheating death is reflected in scientific records, mythology and folklore dating back at least to...