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The oldest Chinese spade coin found at Guanzhuang, reconstructed with the tip reconstructed based on a coin mold from the site. Source: H. Zhao / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Fragments of Chinese Coins Are Evidence of World’s Oldest Minting Site

Archaeologists have long been preoccupied with understanding the origins of metal coinage and monetization. Now, a team working in the Henan Province of China has discovered an early minting site at...
Brick fresco in one of the Yuan Dynasty tombs discovered in Jinan, China. Source: Jinan Archaeological Research Institute

Cluster of Yuan Dynasty Tombs with Stunning Brick Murals Found in China

Archaeologists working in Jinan, Eastern China, have concluded excavations of a series of tombs in advance of development in the area. Among the most exciting aspects of the dig was the discovery of...
Cannabis landraces in Qinghai province, central China have been determined as the forerunners of cannabis domestication. A landrace refers to domesticated, locally adapted, traditional variety of a species of animal or plant that has developed over time.                Source: Guangpeng Ren / Science Advances journal

Cannabis Domestication Began in China in 10,000 BC, Says Genetic Study

A new genetic study has revealed that cannabis domestication began in China during the early stages of the Neolithic period. In an article just published in the journal Science Advances , an...
Leshan Giant Buddha is the world's largest stone-carved Buddha

The Leshan Giant Buddha: Largest Stone Buddha in the World

Not far from the city of Chengdu in Sichuan Province, China, sits the Leshan Giant Buddha statue. Carved into the side of Mt. Lingyun, the colossal statue is over 1,300-years-old and is considered to...
Lacquerware from the Chinese Hemudu culture. (LukeLOU/CC BY-SA 3.0)

8,000-Year-Old Lacquerware Dug Up in Eastern China is Oldest Ever Found

Archaeologists working in China’s Zhejiang Province recently unearthed something ancient and extraordinary. While performing excavations at a site near the city of Ningbo on Hangzhou Bay, they found...
‘Dragon Man’ Skull Found in China May Be ANOTHER New Human Species

‘Dragon Man’ Skull Found in China May Be ANOTHER New Human Species

In the latest edition of the journal The Innovation , a team of evolutionary scientists led by Professor Qiang Ji from Hebei GEO University in Shijiazhuang, China have announced the discovery of a...
A color drawing of the largest rhino ever based on the remains found in Linxia, China.

World’s Largest Rhino Species Ever Found in Chinese Animal Graveyard

China continues to be a land of mystique and wonder, with many facets of its culture and society yet to be fully understood. But it is also a country known for amazing dinosaur fossils and the latest...
Prophecy has had a strong influence since ancient times

Prophecy Through the Ages: Society, Power and Legend

“Prophecy is an emanation sent forth by the Divine Being through the medium of the Active Intellect, in the first instance to man's rational faculty, and then to his imaginative faculty.” -...
Pallasite - Fukang Meteorite

Space Rock Mystery: Where Did the Fukang Meteorite Come From?

The Fukang Meteorite is the name given to a meteorite that was discovered in China. The Fukang Meteorite belongs to a class of stony-iron meteorite known as Pallasite, which may be recognized by the...
The Goryeo Dynasty: Buddhist Unifier of the Korean Peninsula

The Goryeo Dynasty: Buddhist Unifier of the Korean Peninsula

The Goryeo dynasty was a Korean dynasty that existed between the 10 th and 14 th centuries. The Goryeo dynasty was established following the unification of Korea’s Later Three Kingdoms and ended when...
Bronze Mirrors Unearthed in China Still Reflect After 2,000 Years

Bronze Mirrors Unearthed in China Still Reflect After 2,000 Years

More than 80 exquisite bronze mirrors in excellent condition have been discovered in a large Han Dynasty tomb in China, after being hidden underground for over two millennia. Not only do some of them...
2020, Year of the Deeply Ancient Beasts

2020, Year of the Deeply Ancient Beasts

Pterodactylus is an extinct genus of pterosaurs whose members are commonly known as pterodactyls. Pterodactylus antiquus was the first pterosaur to be named and identified as a flying reptile, while...
Foot binding tradition

Last Traces of the Ancient Foot Binding Tradition Captured on Film

Throughout history, men and women alike have suffered pain and agony in the name of beauty - from the practices of body modification in indigenous tribes throughout the world, to suffocatingly tight...
Sanxingdui bronze heads wearing gold foil masks

Gold Mask of Mysterious Sanxingdui Culture Inspires Memes

Amid the once-tranquil village of Sanxingdui, in a quiet part of Sichuan province in China, a remarkable discovery took place which immediately attracted international attention and has since...
Representational image of a baby dinosaur in an egg. Source: KtD / Adobe Stock

Dinosaur Was Sitting on Fossilized Eggs with Babies Inside When it Died

In May 2021, scientists made a major discovery in Ganzhou City in China’s southern Jiangxi Province. They found the remains of a dinosaur sitting on its nest of fossilized eggs. The dinosaur, an...
Medieval wooden catapult

Catapult: The Long-Reaching History of a Prominent Medieval Siege Engine

One of the most iconic images of the European Middle Ages is the castle. This defensive structure was often heavily fortified and provided its inhabitants with much-needed safety. It was usually...
The Xianyang International Airport construction site where some of the thousands of new Xian tombs were recently discovered.          Source: Cultural Heritage Bureau of Shaanxi

Thousands Of Tombs Found in Xian, Home of China’s Terracotta Army

The legendary Terracotta Army is a collection of 3rd century BC clay sculptured warriors that were designed to protect Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, on his journey to the afterlife. This...
The Afaq Khoja Mausoleum And The Legacy Of A Great Uyghur Leader

The Afaq Khoja Mausoleum And The Legacy Of A Great Uyghur Leader

The Afaq Khoja Mausoleum is a tomb complex located in Xinjiang, an autonomous region in northwestern China. For the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs (or Uighurs ) who inhabit the region, this mausoleum...
Illustration of the NASA Perseverance rover firing up its descent engines as it approaches the surface of planet Mars. Source: JPL-Caltech / NASA

Age-Old Obsession with Planet Mars Culminates in Multiple Missions

In an extraordinary confluence of events, three nations from three separate regions of the globe—the United States, China , and the United Arab Emirates —launched spacecraft headed for planet Mars...
The facial cream found in a 2,700-year-old nobleman’s grave in Liujiawa, China.

Jar Of 2,700-Year-Old Facial Cream Found In A Chinese Nobleman’s Tomb

Archaeologists who opened and searched the 2,700-year-old tomb of a buried nobleman at the Liujiawa site in northern China found something unusual . In among the long-deceased nobleman’s ample...
Mystery of Genghis Khan’s Death Considered Solved

Mystery of Genghis Khan’s Death Considered Solved

A team of scientists have cleared up the myths surrounding the death of the great Genghis Khan . They claim that his passing might hold a message for today’s leaders amidst the threats of the current...
Remembering Harsha: The Forgotten Vardhana Ruler of India

Remembering Harsha: The Forgotten Vardhana Ruler of India

Harsha was an Indian ruler who lived during the 7th century AD. He was a member of the Vardhana Dynasty, one of the regional powers that emerged in northern India following the collapse of the Gupta...
The Jade Emperor: Taoist Ruler of Heaven - and Celestial Bureaucrat

The Jade Emperor: Taoist Ruler of Heaven - and Celestial Bureaucrat

The Jade Emperor is not only a notable figure in Chinese mythology, but also one of the most important deities in Taoism and in Chinese folk religion. Today, the Jade Emperor is regarded as the...
Ruins of the Tribal Nanzhao Culture Recently Uncovered

Ruins of the Tribal Nanzhao Culture Speak of Buddha

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient temple complex dating back to a society once subjugated by the Tang Dynasty - the state of Nanzhao. Researchers found the words "Buddha sarira enshrined by...
