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Orkney Quernstone Points To Settlement 500 Years Older Than Skara Brae

Orkney Quernstone Points To Settlement 500 Years Older Than Skara Brae

Archaeologists exploring on Orkney, the far-flung archipelago of the north east coast of Scotland, have discovered a settlement that they believe to be older than the world renowned Skara Brae...
This painting depicts news of the Battle of Flodden when it reached Edinburgh.

Scotland’s Great Tragedy: The Bloody Battle of Flodden

Throughout history, grand battles were often deemed necessary when ambitious nations were forming. They served as a crucible on which an identity of a people was forged and preserved. The history of...
Lost Jacobite Gold and the 275th Anniversary of the ‘Skirmish of Tongue’

Lost Jacobite Gold and the 275th Anniversary of the ‘Skirmish of Tongue’

Today marks the 275th anniversary of The Battle of Culloden , which was fought three miles east of Inverness at Drumossie Moor, in northeast Scotland. This was the final Jacobite uprising where...
Jet necklaces and bracelet discovered during the A75 Dunragit Bypass roadwork excavations in Scotland.

Scottish Roadwork Treasure Trove Now Revealed!

A treasure trove of artifacts was unearthed in Scotland during the building of the A75 Dunragit bypass, a new road in Wigtownshire, Scotland , back in 2014. According to The Scotsman , the discovery...
Shellfish Extravaganza at Iron Age Feast Unearthed in Ancient Orkney

What Prompted the Shellfish Extravaganza at an Iron Age Feast Site, Orkney?

Archaeologists in the far north of Scotland have unearthed thousands of seashells from the remains of an Iron Age feast dating back to around the 5 th century AD, including 18,630 sea snail shells...
Rome’s African Emperor: Septimius Severus and the Scottish Invasion

Rome’s African Emperor: Septimius Severus and the Scottish Invasion

The Libyan-born Septimius Severus has gone down in history as the first African Emperor of Rome . With a thirst for power, he ruled the Roman Empire almost 2,000 years ago, declaring himself Emperor...
Could the Scottish archipelago of St. Kilda, in the image, really have been inhabited 2,000 years ago? Pottery discovered on Hirta proves it was.

Scotland's St. Kilda Inhabited in the Bronze Age, New Discovery Reveals

New evidence has emerged which shows that the Scottish archipelago of St Kilda was inhabited, or at least visited, around 2,000 years ago. During World War I the British Royal Navy took over Village...
A closeup of the incisions on the Bay of Skaill stone recently found just next to Skara Brae

Carved Stones May Indicate Neolithic Settlement on Scottish Isle!

Archaeologists in Orkney believe they “might” have discovered another 5,000-year-old Neolithic settlement in the Bay of Skaill, beside the world famous Skara Brae. Thought to date to around 3,000 BC...
Fakes and Controversy on the River Clyde: The Case of Dumbuck Crannog

Fakes and Controversy on the River Clyde: The Case of Dumbuck Crannog

In 1898 the eccentric artist and archaeology enthusiast William Donnelly (1847 – 1905) discovered the Dumbuck Crannog site on the banks of the River Clyde in Scotland . Its excavation proved fruitful...
Prehistoric standing stone on Machrie Moor, Isle of Arran. A prehistoric temple has also been discovered recently on the island.

5000-Year-Old Prehistoric Temple Discovered On Scottish Island

An ancient “cursus monument” was discovered at the Tormore site on the Isle of Arran. The archaeologists working at the site think it is likely that people traveled from all over what is today...
Luke De Garis is the apprentice who has joined forces with Martin Tyler at Dry Stone Walling Dry to learn the ancient craft of stone walling, thanks to the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust. Source: Kristie De Garis

Saving the Forgotten Craft of Dry Stone Walling in Scotland

Dry stone wall building is one of Scotland’s oldest crafts, dating back as far back as 5,000 years ago, during the Neolithic period. Unfortunately, this ancient construction technique is disappearing...
Biblical Tradition Of Chalking The Door Reappears In England

Biblical Tradition Of Chalking The Door Reappears In England

The ancient Christian custom of “ chalking the door ” has Biblical origins, stemming from the Israelites tradition detailed in the Old Testament where they marked their doors with chalked symbols...
Skara Brae

Stepping Back in Time at Skara Brae: A Neolithic Settlement in the Heart of Prehistoric Orkney

In 1850, a fierce storm hit the Bay o’ Skaill on the main island of the Orkney island archipelago. In doing so, it ripped grass from a hill, then known as Skerrabra, to reveal the remnants of an...
Hard Evidence of Neolithic Little People In Scotland, Hawaii, Indonesia…

Hard Evidence of Neolithic Little People In Scotland, Hawaii, Indonesia…

From the lush, foggy hills rolling through the Scottish Isles, to the primordial peaks of glorious Hawaii, and all the way across the globe to the wild rainforests of Indonesia, evidence of a “little...
Famous Dogs in History, from Ancient Greece until Today

Famous Dogs in History, from Ancient Greece until Today

History abounds with stories of the victorious humans who shaped the world into what it is today. But rarely do we stop and consider the dogs who worked, lived, and fought alongside these humans...
Whipping boys were used by aristocrats and royalty.  Source: Left; King James I of England and VI of Scotland, Public domain Right;  "Edward and Whipping Boy" illustration by Walter S. Stacey, Public domain

Fact or Fiction? The Unjust Reality of a Whipping Boy

The history of the world’s nobility is filled with extravagance, wealth, and, more than often, with arrogance. In all corners of the globe, aristocrats and nobles, kings and young princes, were all...
The unexpected find of the Dixon pyramid relic was discovered in Aberdeen within a cigar box. The cedarwood fragments were originally discovered in 1872 by British engineer Waynman Dixon, before being misplaced and seemingly lost to history. Source: University of Aberdeen

Lost Great Pyramid Relic Surfaces In A Cigar Box in Scotland!

It is something of a reporter’s dream when a press release comes in saying that a rare wooden artifact from the Great Pyramid of Egypt has been discovered in a cigar box in Scotland. And as if this...
Aleister Crowley Panic Gets Stirred Up Over Boleskine House

Aleister Crowley Panic Gets Stirred Up Over Boleskine House

Satanic panic grips Loch Ness as an innovative historian attempts to conserve the “not so good” name of England’s most controversial occultist, Aleister Crowley. Back in November the Daily Record...
Scottish Metal Detectorist Unearths Rare Medieval Knife

Metal Detectorist In Scotland Unearths Rare Medieval Knife

Metal detectorists dream of finding something of real historic value. One lucky detectorist in Scotland has made an astonishing find. He has found a very rare and beautifuly decorated early medieval...
The Wemyss Caves: Ancient Pictish History and the Writing on the Walls

The Wemyss Caves: Ancient Pictish History and the Writing on the Walls

The Ancient Picts were amongst the most enigmatic inhabitants of ancient British Isles. Still a big puzzle to scholars around the world, the Pictish culture was filled to the brim with unique aspects...
Local History Enthusiasts Discover Oldest Medieval Scottish Bridge

Local History Enthusiasts Discover Oldest Medieval Scottish Bridge

A lost medieval bridge, dating back to the 1300s, has been discovered submerged beneath the whiskey-tinted waters of Scotland’s River Teviot. The cities, towns and villages of Middle Age Europe were...
Ancient UK Viking families, who are now part of the native populations of Ireland, Scotland and England, were not entirely violent or focused on looting. Now, they are all friends!

Beyond Violence: Examining UK Viking Families and their Artifacts

Understanding Viking families through the artifacts they left behind and their DNA is the latest approach to learning more about the Viking Age in the United Kingdom. Scientists in the UK are...
The six-headed chief was discovered within a medieval Scottish burial. Source: FAS Heritage

Six-Headed Scottish Burial Is Actually One Genetic Mass

Scientists in Scotland have analyzed DNA samples from a bizarre 14th-century Scottish burial and have made headway in solving the mystery of the “six-headed chief.” Over the last two years, several...
Aerial photo of the Scottish ghost village of Broo, in the Shetland Islands, that mysteriously came back to life. Source: UNAVCO

Archaeologists Detect Mystery Late Inhabitant of Scottish Ghost Village

Some villages vanish and never return. Others die but are reborn. What can explain these differences? Archaeologists excavating on the Shetland Northern Atlantic subarctic archipelago, located in the...
