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Oil lamp discovered in the submerged ruins of Thonis-Heracleion, Alexandria, Egypt (Cristoph Gerigk)

Precious Treasures from Ancient Heracleion to be Revealed

Artifacts from the Egyptian city of Thonis-Heracleion, once thought to be little more than a legend, will be displayed at an exhibition in Paris in September. The treasures include a fine sculpture...
The Ruins Lagoon located in the Royal Towers, home to over 20,000 deep reef and pelagic fish.

Dark Mysteries of the Deep: Ancient Divers and their Dangerous Journeys

It is not known who first braved cold, dark waters and held their breath to explore, or gather rare treasures or food, but divers have been retrieving items from beneath the water’s surface since the...

Wat Tilok Aram: The 500-Year-Old Underwater Temple of Thailand

Submerged beneath an artificial lake in Northern Thailand is a 500-year-old temple known as Wat Tilok Aram. A stone inscription records that King Tilokkarad commanded Chao San Hua, the King of Muang...
Cantre’r Gwaelod – The Mythical Sunken Kingdom of Wales

Cantre'r Gwaelod – The Mythical Sunken Kingdom of Wales

The story of Atlantis is one of the most renowned and enduring tales from ancient Greece. This island, mentioned in the works of the philosopher Plato, was said to have been swallowed up by the sea...
An early diving bell used by 16th Century divers during salvage operations. The book this came from is a text on ship salvage and includes diving information.

Oath of Silence Protects Amazing 500-Year-Old Diving Bell Used to Visit Sunken Roman Vessels

A vow of silence has protected the mystery behind an ingenious invention for nearly 500 years. The secrets behind Guglielmo de Lorena’s amazing diving bell, a technical marvel, would have remained an...
Metal detector survey of the shipwreck area, photo by Brett Seymour.

The Antikythera Shipwreck – The Titanic of the Ancient World and its Sunken Historic Treasure

Some of the world’s greatest archaeological discoveries have been uncovered by chance. The terracotta warriors, for instance, were first discovered in 1974 by Chinese farmers who were digging for a...
Divers find largest golden coin hoard ever discovered in Israel

Divers find largest golden coin hoard ever discovered in Israel

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has announced the discovery of a massive hoard of almost 2,000 gold coins by divers in the ancient harbor in Caesarea. The coins, which are over 1,000 years old...
Egyptian Alexandria - Ancient underwater finds

Egyptian Alexandria - Ancient underwater finds revealed the Pharaonic roots of the Ptolemaic City

Alexandria, located on the Mediterranean coast in Egypt, has seen many changes in its 2,300 year history. Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C., at its height it rivalled Rome in its wealth and...
Top Ten Underwater Discovered of 2014

Top Ten Underwater Discoveries of 2014

Out of all the amazing archaeological discoveries made each and every day around the world, those that emerge from the depths of the ocean are among the most captivating. There is something about the...
Researchers probe the ocean floor in Juan Perez Sound with University of Victoria’s AUV

13,800-year-old Haida site found underwater in Canada

Estimates of people’s presence in the Americas have ranged from about 12,000 to 50,000 years. A new study by a team of archaeologists that has been researching the subject, has found a site dating...
7,500-year-old underwater village

7,500-year-old underwater village may have been oldest olive oil production center in the world

An underwater excavation site off of Haifa, Israel, has revealed a 7,500-year-old water well and Neolithic village. The finds are from a pre-metal and pre-pottery settlement that lived on the Kfar...
Underwater settlement and ancient pottery workshop discovered near Delos, birthplace of Sun God Apollo

Underwater settlement and ancient pottery workshop discovered near Delos, birthplace of Sun God Apollo

The ruins of an ancient town, including a pottery workshop and kiln, have been discovered by archaeologists off the coast of the island of Delos, Greece. Until now experts believed the colonnades and...
4,000-year-old sunken ship found in Turkey

4,000-year-old sunken ship found in Turkey is among oldest in the world

A recent excavation at the port of Urla underwater archaeological site in Turkey has revealed a sunken ship that is believed to date back 4,000 years, according to a report in Hurriyet Daily News ...
Ancient Phoenician Shipwreck in Malta

2,700-year-old Phoenician Shipwreck Discovered in Maltese Waters

A group of divers have discovered a Phoenician shipwreck dating back to 700 BC off the coast of Gozo island in Malta, according to a news report in the Times of Malta . It is a unique and immensely...
Sunken ships discovered in the Aegean

Major find as eight sunken ships discovered in the Aegean

A team of underwater archaeologists from Dokuz Eylül University’s Institute of Marine Science and Technology (IMST) have discovered eight new shipwrecks in the Aegean Sea, near Antalya in Turkey,...
Sunken city in Cuba

What Happened to the Sunken City of Cuba?

Just over a decade ago, a team of explorers were working on an exploration and survey mission off the western coast of Cuba when their sonar equipment picked up a perplexing series of stone...
Mars, the fiercest warship of the 16th century

Archaeologists to explorer secrets of Mars, the fiercest warship of the 16th century

The Mars, named after the Roman god of war, was once the largest and fiercest warship in the world and the leading ship in the fleet of King Eric XIV of Sweden. But in 1564, during the Northern Seven...
Ancient Antikythera wreck

Researchers to revisit ancient Antikythera wreck using new technology

The Antikythera wreck in the Aegean Sea is a world-famous underwater archaeological site thrown into the spotlight in 1900 when researchers discovered an incredible mechanical device, now known as...
Tulum Underwater Cave - Mexico

Underwater discovery in submerged Mexican cave provides glimpse of First Americans

The oldest complete Ice Age skeleton found in an underwater cave in Mexico may help solve a long-standing mystery regarding the identity of the earliest inhabitants of America and how they are...
Santa Maria of Colombus

Shipwreck found in Haiti may be Santa Maria, the flagship of Christopher Columbus

After 500 years, archaeologists believe that they have found the wreck of the Santa Maria - the flagship of Christopher Columbus - at the bottom of the sea off the north coast of Haiti, according to...
Punic Vessels at shipwreck in Spain

2,300-year-old Punic Vessels uncovered in ancient shipwreck

A team of underwater archaeologists have discovered more than 150 Punic amphorae in the remains of an ancient shipwreck, known as the Binisafuller shipwreck, near the ancient port of Sanitja on the...
Great Lakes Underwater Structures

9,000-year-old complex hunting structures found beneath the Great Lakes

A new study conducted by the University of Michigan has revealed a complex set of ancient hunting structures found under nearly 40 metres of water in Lake Huron, according to a report in Live Science...
Ancient Artefacts Found in Taiping Lake in China

Ancient Artefacts Found in Taiping Lake in China

An underwater archaeology team from the Provincial Institute of Archaeology and the National Museum's Underwater Archaeology Research Center in China have discovered ancient artefacts in Taiping Lake...
Chinese underwater city - Lion City

The ancient underwater Lion City of China

The Lion City, otherwise known as Shi Cheng, is an ancient submerged city that lies at the foot of Wu Shi Mountain (Five Lion Mountain), now located about 25 – 40 metres beneath the spectacular...
