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Calcio match in Piazza Santa Maria Novella, in Florence. Painting by Jan Van der Straet. Source: Public Domain

Calcio Storico, The Sport of Florence That Equates to an All-out Brawl

In modern times, it is not uncommon for ancient sports to once more become popular. Often, they are long forgotten board games, or folkloric games with sticks and stones. But one Italian sport didn’t...
Ancient bas-relief on grave stele in Kerameikos in Athens, Greece depicting two wrestlers in action.	Source: National Archaeological Museum of Athens/ CC BY-SA 2.0 DE

From Ancient Greece to Now: the Bravado of Athletes Transcends Centuries

Peter J. Miller /The Conversation “I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I was really the greatest.” This quote...
Crowning the Victors at Olympia - Hieron of Syracuse and victors. Source: Public Domain

Top 10 Ancient Greek Athletes and their Sporting Achievements

In Ancient Greece, there was a special emphasis placed on sports and physical prowess. After all, this civilization gave birth to the famed Olympics, which still exist today. From spear throwing,...
Fight with Cudgels by Francisco de Goya, circa 1820, resembles a bataireacht brawl   Source: Public Domain

Bataireacht: The Irish Stick Fighting Martial Art Making a Comeback

Many countries have martial arts that are closely associated with their national identity. Kung-fu and China, Tae Kwon Do and Korea, and Muay Thai and Thailand. Few people would ever associate...
Male karate fighter

The Origins of the Top 5 Most Ancient Martial Arts that are Still Practiced Today

Movies, television shows, and cartoons are populated with dazzling martial artists ranging from the Kung-Fu antics of Hong Kong Phooey the crime fighting dog, to the mesmerizing Jeet Kune Do of Bruce...
‘Club Night (1907) by George Bellows. The history of boxing dates back thousands of years.

The History of Boxing: Gory Gladiatorial Origins, Back Street Venues, and Big Money

Boxing is the most popular spectator combat sport in the modern world and its champions earn more than most other professional sportsmen. The defining fight of this big money era was the 2015...
The first ever Roman boxing gloves found in Britain are now on display at Vindolanda.

Heavy Hitters: 2,000-Year-Old Boxing Gloves Suggest Roman Soldiers Used to Duke It Out

Still molded to the form of their former owner’s knuckles, boxing gloves found at the Roman site of Vindolanda in Northumberland, England hint at tales of soldiers increasing their battle skills,...
Pankratiasts fighting.

Pankration: A Deadly Martial Art Form from Ancient Greece

Pankration was one of the most popular combat sports in ancient Greece. It combined two other popular sports of antiquity, wrestling and boxing, but kicking was allowed as well. The name Pankration...