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Archaeologists Uncover Preserved Ancient Pottery Workshop in Egypt

Archaeologists Uncover Preserved Ancient Pottery Workshop in Egypt

Archaeologists digging in the Aziza hills area of the Beheira governate in northern Egypt have recovered the remains a pottery workshop dating to the Graeco-Roman period, Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism...
Researchers at the Mummy Project of Milan, Italy around an Egyptian mummy about to enter a CT scan. Earlier this year, Mummy Project researchers began their examination of a famous priest mummy, hoping to learn more about his life, health, and mummification.            Source: Mummy Project

Italian Researchers CT Scan Egyptian Priest Mummy

A known Egyptian priest mummy, from over 3,000 years ago, has recently been transferred from Italy’s famous Museum of Civil Archeology in Bergamo to the Policlinico of Milan hospital to conduct a...
The reconstructed solar barge of Khufu.

Egypt’s Second Khufu Ship - Fully Excavated, Ready for Reassembly

After years of work, researchers have now completed their exhumation of all the artifacts of the Second Khufu Ship found next to the Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) in Giza. The next steps are restoration...
Lifting Machine May Have Moved Huge Objects at Stonehenge and Egypt!

Lifting Machine May Have Moved Huge Objects at Stonehenge and Egypt!

A man in the UK claims to have solved the mystery of how large objects such as the standing stones at Stonehenge and Egyptian statues and mega-stones were moved in the past. Steven Tasker has created...

Study of Ushabti Copper Origins Enlightens Egypt’s Dark Age

While many archaeologists focus on the symbolic meaning of recovered temple treasures and grave goods, others concentrate on their origin stories. In this case a team of scientists have used high...
Left; The Statue of Idrimi found at Tell. Right; Map of Tell Atchana with excavation squares indicated (data courtesy of Alalakh Excavations Archive.) 	Source: Left; British Museum, CC BY-SA 2.0 FR Right; PLOS ONE

Was The First International Age For A Privileged Few?

The Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean, which included such civilizations as Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt, has been viewed as the “first international age,” and it has been assumed there...
 ‘An Arab Caravan outside a Fortified Town, Egypt.

Inside Rhinocolura, The City Of Noseless Criminals

Near the city of Gaza, 3,000 years ago, laid a city unlike any other in the world. The Greeks called it Rhinocolura, named for strange faces of the people who lived there – because every person there...
Bronze head of Pazuzu, 900-612 BC – Public Domain

Egyptian Demons and Magic: Exorcising Evil Spirits

Most of us are familiar with the images of the deities, kings and queens of Egypt; but for every one of the famous scenes reproduced from those times, smaller, more obscure supernatural figures are...
Deriv; Ancient Celtic dolmen from Poulnabrone, Ireland and carved Egyptian deity Thoth

Thoth’s Storm: New Evidence for Ancient Egyptians in Ireland?

When ancient Egypt and Ireland are spoken about in the same breath it usually results in the rolling of eyes, polite exits and the sound of murmurs citing pseudo-history and new age babble. At least...
How did the Greeks Measure the Earth’s Circumference?

How did the Greeks Measure the Earth’s Circumference?

It is considered obvious today that Earth is roughly a sphere and that it can be measured like any spherical object. Scientists technically call it an oblate spheroid, but it is still sphere-like in...
Ramses III in Arabia? Hunt for Egyptian Artifacts in Saudi Arabia Is On

Ramses III in Arabia? Hunt for Egyptian Artifacts in Saudi Arabia Is On

Plans have now been finalized for a joint Egyptian-Saudi Arabian archaeological mission that will explore a long-distance trade route that likely connected ancient Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula...
Anubis and Xolotl: The Remarkable Resemblance of the Death Dog Gods

Anubis and Xolotl: The Remarkable Resemblance of the Death Dog Gods

Few ancient cultures have captured the modern imagination like the Egyptian and Maya civilizations, with their elaborate belief structures. The author traces a remarkable resemblance between two dog-...
Security: The Long History of the Lock and Key

Security: The Long History of the Lock and Key

The modern-era definition states that a lock is a mechanical device or innovation that is used for fastening any physical entity. This lock is triggered and released with the use of an object called...
Vivant Denon’s sketch of the sphinx in 1798 depicts a man being pulled out of a hole in the sphinx’s head

The Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover Up: Hidden Chambers, An Unexcavated Mound and Endless Denial

In 1935, Egypt was still the main draw for archaeologists digging for answers. It was hardly more than a decade since the British Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen on...
Prophecy has had a strong influence since ancient times

Prophecy Through the Ages: Society, Power and Legend

“Prophecy is an emanation sent forth by the Divine Being through the medium of the Active Intellect, in the first instance to man's rational faculty, and then to his imaginative faculty.” -...
Hundreds of Ancient Rock-Cut Tombs have been Discovered in Egypt

Hundreds of Ancient Rock-Cut Tombs have been Discovered in Egypt

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have announced the discovery of a distinctive collection of hundreds of ancient tombs. The 250 rock-cut tombs were found in various levels of a...
Ancient Egyptian Painter Left Behind His Palette and The Paint Has Survived!

Ancient Egyptian Painter Left Behind His Palette and the Paint Has Survived!

When compared to later, more naturalistic Classical art of the Greeks and Romans, ancient Egyptian art has been described as blocky, static, abstract, and formal. But that doesn’t mean that the...
The Kaskians defied the great Hittite empire at the peak of their power

Bronze Age Kaska – The World’s First Guerrillas?

The Hittites established one of the earliest great empires in human history. Between 1750 BC and 1200 BC, the Hittite empire was a regional superpower in the Middle East, stretching across modern-day...
X-ray and CT scans of the mummified body show that the woman died when she was between 20-30 years old. (O. Leydo)

World First! 2,000-Year-Old Egyptian Mummy Was Pregnant

When archaeologists conducted X-ray scans of a woman’s mummified body they made a remarkable discovery. The remains of the woman who died 2,000 years ago contained a surprising secret – making her...
Haul of Predynastic Graves Excavated in the Nile Delta

Haul of Predynastic Graves Excavated in the Nile Delta

On Tuesday, 27 April 2021, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced that archaeologists have excavated 110 ancient burial tombs in northern Egypt , some of which were found to have...
Ancient Alphabetic Script Found in Israel Fills Gap in Historic Record

Ancient Alphabetic Script Found in Israel Fills Gap in Historic Record

A team of Austrian and Israeli archaeologists working the fertile ground of the famed Tel Lachish site in central Israel made a discovery that has altered existing theories about how the first...
‘Mind-blowing’ Find in Egypt! Lost Golden City Discovered in Luxor

‘Mind-blowing’ Find in Egypt! Lost Golden City Discovered in Luxor

Thousands of years ago a fabulous settlement was buried under the sands. Now, an Egyptian mission led by Zahi Hawass has discovered the ruins of the so-called “Lost Golden City” that has been linked...
Grinding stone, Dendera Temple, Egypt.

The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt

Most people know of the great construction achievements of the dynastic Egyptians such as the pyramids and temples of the Giza Plateau area as well as the Sphinx. Many books and videos show...
Shocking Truth Behind Death of Ireland’s Egyptian Mummy Unraveled

Shocking Truth Behind Death of Ireland’s Egyptian Mummy Exposed

Researchers have established that Northern Ireland’s most famous Egyptian mummy was murdered. The mummy, which is the cadaver of a woman called Takabuti who lived 2,600 years ago, is now known to...
