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The genitalia carving in All Saints Church in Hereford, England is located above where the congregation would sit. Recently the image went viral on the internet. But it is only one of many lewd images of this kind to be found in churches across the UK!                 Source: Hereford Times

English Church’s Naughty Carving Goes Viral and There Are More!

Anglican All Saints Church in Hereford, England, grabbed the headlines recently when an X-rated genitalia carving discovered in the church overlooking the congregation seating area went viral. All...
An example of a Sheela na gig, a carving of a naked woman with an exaggerated vulva.

Viva La Vulva! When Did Female Genitalia Become Obscene?

In September 2019, a French ad for feminine hygiene products featuring taboo-breaking representations of vulvas and menstruation sparked controversy . Yet in a cultural context in France, phallic...