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Pipeline around ancient remains

Energy Company gets it Right after Discovery of Ancient Human Bones

We have published plenty of articles relating to destruction of archaeological sites and relics from a 5,000-year-old pyramid decimated in Peru , to an ancient Libyan necropolis being bulldozed to...
Neanderthal - Jersey Island

Archaeologists rediscover the lost home of the last Neanderthals

Archaeologists working on the Channel island of Jersey, England, have rediscovered a record of Neanderthal archaeology that was thought to be long lost. The study, published in the Journal of...
Denisova Cave

New Evidence that Ancient Humans Crossed Significant Sea Barrier

Three years ago the genetic analysis of a little finger bone from Denisova cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia led to a complete genome sequence of a new line of the human family tree - the...
1.8-million-year-old skull - Georgia

Does this 1.8-million-year-old skull rewrite the history of mankind?

A skull found in Dmanisi , Georgia, by anthropologists from the University of Zurich, is the best-preserved fossil find yet from the early era of our genus and has the potential to rewrite...
Bronze Age Brain - Boiled

Brain of Bronze Age Human Survives for 4000 Years

The brain tissue of a Bronze Age human has survived for more than 4,000 years, offering archaeologists hope that more ancient brain specimens may be recovered which could pave the way to the study of...
Life outer space - amino acids

Is this the final proof that life on Earth came from outer space?

We are all familiar with Darwin’s evolutionary theory that life developed on Earth by following specific steps and transitions which resulted in the gradual evolution of humans from apes. However,...
Six million year old ape cranium

Six million year old ape cranium discovered in China

In the last few months, China has begun intensively investigating questions relating to human origins in an effort to discover whether their nation has been one of the cradles of civilizations. This...
Origins of Life Challenged

Assumptions about Origins of Life Challenged

New research from the UNC School of Medicine has raised important questions about exactly how primitive molecule systems managed to replicate themselves and create life, and offers an intriguing view...
On the Origin of Man

On the Origin of Man

Humans have pondered the age-old question of our origins for millennia. Throughout history, there have been many people and cultures that have come forward with their own belief or theory on mankind’...
Adam and Eve after the Expulsion from Paradise by Paolo Veronese  (1528–1588) (Public Domain)

Genetic 'Adam & Eve’ Study Links All Men to Man Who Lived 135,000 Years Ago

A new study published in the journal Science has revealed that almost every man alive today can trace his origins to one man who lived approximately 135,000 years ago, and that this ancient man was...
Evolution Selfish and Mean

Evolution Will 'Punish' You If You're Selfish and Mean

The Darwinian perspective of ‘survival of the fittest’ should mean that those who are selfish and live their lives with an ‘every man for himself’ attitude would be more likely to succeed in life and...
Pig Chimpanzees Hybrids = Humans

Geneticist Suggests Humans Could be Hybrids

A new study conducted by well-known geneticist, Dr Eugene McCarthy, has controversially suggested that traits distinguishing chimpanzees from humans consistently connect with pigs and that Homo...
Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Part 2

Everything fitted perfectly, three times fifty or sixty thousand checked off nicely against the desired number of 150-200,000 years, or so it seemed, until Rebecca Cann decided to delve deeper and...
Aboriginals Australia

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Part 1

Every book, television documentary, syllabus and curriculum that makes any reference to the evolution of modern humans, begins this ancient narrative in Africa. Through a combination of recent...
Human Origins Cradle in China

Investigation into Human Origins to be Launched in China

The Cultural Heritage Bureau of Hebei province in China has announced that they will be funding an initiative to investigate traces of early humans in order to learn more about the origins of humans...
Human Origins Sumatra Volcanic Eruption

Humans Did Not Live in Asia Before Sumatra Volcanic Eruption 74,000 Years Ago

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has refuted a recent theory that modern humans lived in Asia prior to the great volcanic eruption in Sumatra 74,000 years...
Diet responsible for human evolution

Change of diet may be a key to human evolution

The debate between Darwinians , Creationists and now the Panspermians to explain the origin of man has been going on for decades and every week, new evidence is presented to try to prove either one...
Tarsier Primates

The oldest primate skeleton discovered

According to Darwin’s theory , humans are evolved from primates (monkeys, apes etc) – or at least we are somehow related to primates. Even though the evolution theory is not flawless it makes sense...
Fish hips human origins

Our hips and their fish origins

Evolution is a very complex topic. Since Darwin and his famous evolution theory, many things have changed and new theories have emerged. Panspermia theory is the most popular theory at the moment (...
Climate Change due to Ancient Humans

Climate Changes Linked to Ancient Human Innovations

New research has revealed that periods of abrupt climate changes led ancient humans to embark on periods of innovation and cultural expansion. The study conducted by Martin Ziegler, an earth science...
Ancient Fossil - Human Origins

Ancient Fossil Discovery May Reveal Important Clues on Human Origins

A new study conducted by an international team of researchers from the US, Italy and Spain could shed new light on the earliest existence of human beings. The study, published this week by the...
Origins of Human Language

Unravelling the Origins of Human Language

Linguists have long sought to understand the origins of human language by tracing back the history of words through the ages. Now a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of...
Genetics and our ancient past

Using genetics to unravel our ancient past

The evolution of ecosystems has been considered as an important area of work for drawing comparisons between diverse geological times. Dr John Stewart has made a huge impact in studying interactions...
Advanced Cosmic Ice Research

Advanced Cosmic Ice Research Reveals Information About How Life Began

Perry Gerakines and his colleagues in the Cosmic Ice Lab at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt are working on something very simple – ice – but in a truly extraordinary way. Gerakines...
