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The Third creation of the Universe by Toniná Divine Lords, Garra of Jaguar (left) amd Kinich Baknal Chaal (right). National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City

Popol Vuh: The Sacred Narrative of Maya Creation

One of the most famous of all creation stories is that found within the Book of Genesis, where the Judaeo-Christian god is said to have created the world in six days. Prior to the coming of...
The Orange Temple at Nakum

A sacred mountain, water, and earthly power converged in Maya city of Nakum

A new study suggests the rulers of the Maya city of Nakum used water as a social control method. They represented themselves as rainmakers, researchers say, showing themselves on monuments with water...
This Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) image shows the outlines of the central area of Pilar. At far right is the Citadel.

Ancient Maya citadel discovered in Belize is an anomaly

Many centuries ago on the border of Belize and Guatemala, Maya people built a large city surrounded by a cultivated jungle garden that was home to around 20,000 people, which archaeologists call El...
Mayan Temples

Pre-Maya hunters and farmers may have collaborated in building temples

The prevailing theory among archaeologists holds that prehistoric people settled down as they began to grow crops and manage livestock and then built progressively more advanced civilizations with...
Mayan Music: A painted image of a file of Mayan musicians playing rattle, ocarina, and trumpets while a theatrical scene goes on.

The Music of the Maya: Mysterious whistles Confound Experts

Music has held a special role in human society for thousands of years. In ancient China, for instance, sets of bronze bells were played for entertainment and ritual purposes at court. The...
Junior Obsidian kneels before the Lord of Hammer-Stone Hill, the apparent ruler of Xultun.

Archaeologists study stunning murals adorning the walls of an ancient Maya home

In a complex, 1,300-year-old Maya mural in the Guatemalan jungle, a ruler with an elaborate plumed headdress and impersonating a god, consults with priest-scholars as they celebrate the new year...
Aerial footage of the newly discovered Maya water temple.

Maya Water Temple Complex discovered where ritual offerings were made to placate the Rain God

Archaeologists have discovered that the Maya made offerings to Chaak, the rain god, at a newly discovered water temple complex alongside the sacred pools of Cara Blanca in Belize. The sacrifices...
Honduras Mayan city ruins in Copan

New research reveals clues into downfall of Maya civilization

A new study that examined minerals from the famous underwater cave in Belize, known as the Blue Hole, discovered evidence for an extreme drought between 800 and 900 AD, which corresponds to the time...
Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries of 2014

Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries of 2014

This year has been a year of spectacular discoveries in archaeology, from 4,000-year-old sunken ships, to enormous megalithic stones, mysterious man-made ditches, the oldest known examples of cave...
The central acropolis at Tikal

New study says great Maya city of Tikal literally dried up

There are many mysteries in the history of this planet. One of them is why some civilizations, including the Maya of Central America, collapsed. If ancient people had no writing system or left no...
Reconstruction of an ancient Mayan city

Are archaeologists on the verge of yet another discovery of an ancient Mayan city?

News has been circulating around the international media for the last two weeks about the groundbreaking discovery of two long lost ancient Maya cities in the jungles of Mexico. Now, according to a...
Facade from one of the Mayan cities in Mexico

Archaeologists Discover Two Long Lost Ancient Maya Cities in Jungle of Mexico

In an amazing new discovery in the jungles of Mexico, archaeologists have uncovered two ancient Mayan cities, including ruined pyramid temples, palace remains, a monster mouth gateway, a ball court,...
Hand-woven Mayan textiles from Guatemala

Weaving the World of Ancient Mayan Women

Weaving colorful cotton fabric was an art form among high ranking ancient Mayan women. The Mayas cultivated cotton and used natural dyes from plant, animal and mineral sources. They used spinning...
Ancient Mayan Altars in Guatemala

Ancient Mayan Altars, Sculpted Artwork Discovered in Guatemala

Archaeologists in Guatemala have unearthed an ancient Mayan council house containing altars, incense burners and sculpted images of animals, according to a report in Live Science . The finding is...
Maya Civilization

The Mystery of the Lost Ancient Culture of the Maya – Part 2

Was the Practice of Sacrificial Rituals used as a Gateway to the Afterlife? Many ancient alien theorists suggest that the Maya’s belief in gods was based on the visitation of aliens from a more...
El Castillo - Maya

The Mystery of the Lost Ancient Culture of the Maya

The collapse of the Maya civilization is considered one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the ancient world. One can only speculate their downfall from the numerous explanations presented by...
Maya volcanic ash pottery

The mystery of the Maya volcanic ash pottery

A series of Maya pottery items dating back to the Late Classic Period have long been the source of mystery among experts due to the materials from which they were made – large quantities of volcanic...
Ancient Maya Ball Court

Archaeologists uncover ancient Maya ball court used as a ritual centre

Workers were constructing a school’s basketball court in the municipality of Maxcanu in the Yucatan region of Mexico when they stumbled upon an ancient ball game court which was used as a ritual...
Elongated skull in Mayan cave

Elongated skulls and a mythical underwater Mayan cave

A flooded sinkhole in southern Mexico that terrifies local villagers was recently explored by underwater archaeologists , who found the submerged cavern littered with elongated skulls and human bones...
Belize Maya mural

Archaeologists discover rare ancient Maya mural on cattle ranch

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient Maya mural underneath a mound of jumbled trees and bushes on a cattle ranch in Belize. The landowner has agreed to leave it untouched for now, but there are...
Top Ten grisly Discoveries in 2013

Top ten grisly discoveries in archaeology

Archaeologists sometimes face the same gruesome discoveries that forensic scientists deal with today, having to unravel the stories behind brutal murders, sacrifices and other dark rituals. Here are...
Maya dismembered enemies

Archaeologists Make Grisly Find in Historical Maya City

A team of researchers have made a gruesome discovery in a man-made cave in the ancient Maya city of Uxul in Campeche (Mexico). Scientists from the Department of Anthropology of the Americas at the...
Massive Maya Frieze

Archaeologists Discover Massive Maya Frieze Found in Guatemala

Archaeologists have discovered a giant Maya frieze in the buried city of Holmul in the Peten region of Guatemala. It depicts a mythological setting with a ruler sitting atop the head of a Maya...
Ancient Maya Monument Hieroglyphs El Perú-Waka'

Ancient Maya Monument with Hieroglyphs Tells a Dramatic Tale

Archaeologists excavating underneath a temple in an ancient Maya city in Guatemala have discovered an intricately carved stone monument with hieroglyphic text dating back approximately 1,500 years,...
