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The Tower of London has a haunted history. Source: rpbmedia / Adobe Stock.

The Tower of London’s Haunted History (Video)

The Tower of London , a storied monument, holds a dark history that continues to haunt its walls. From its origins as a fortress by William the Conqueror to a prison and even a zoo, the Tower's past...
Representational image of Aeneas of Troy. Source: Deivison / Adobe Stock

The Voyage of Aeneas of Troy: Did it Really Happen?

The Trojan War is the cardinal point in both British and European history. According to the British chronicles their ancient kings and princes are descended from Brutus the Trojan , the great...
Mother Shipton’s Cave. Source: GetFocusArt / Adobe Stock.

Mother Shipton’s Cave Turns Objects into Stone… Literally! (Video)

Nestled within the quaint village of Knaresborough lies a place steeped in folklore and mystery – Mother Shipton's Cave . The origins of this age-old tourist attraction are shrouded in uncertainty,...
Representational image of Tullus Hostilius. Source: Pixel Matrix / Adobe Stock

Fact or Fiction? Tullus Hostilius, the Legendary Roman Warrior King

Tullus Hostilius, the third legendary king of Rome, is a figure shrouded in myth and legend. Hostilius strictly adhered to the law and held firm beliefs regarding the importance of Roman religious...
The Stronsay Beast. Source: YouTube Screenshot / History Channel.

Mystery of the Stronsay Beast, Scotland’s Other Monster (Video)

The Mystery of the Stronsay Beast has intrigued researchers and cryptozoology enthusiasts for centuries. In 1808, the shores of Stronsay, a small island in Scotland, witnessed the astonishing...
Illustration depicting the Kaspar Hauser legend of his incarceration. Source: Public domain

Smallpox Vaccine Sheds New Light on Mysterious Kaspar Hauser Legend

In May 1828, the Bavarian city of Nuremberg was gripped by the sudden appearance of a young man named Kaspar Hauser. Clutching two letters of introduction, his arrival revealed a story of isolation...
Numa Pompilius giving the Laws to the Romans.  Source: Public Domain

Numa Pompilius: The Legendary Second King of Rome

Every great kingdom and empire have to start somewhere, right? One of history’s greatest realms was the Roman Empire, but even so, it began as a struggling city-state, supposedly led by kings. But...
Castellaccio di Messina, Sicily. Credit:

Castellaccio di Messina: Italy’s Most Haunted Castle (Video)

Castellaccio di Messina, an abandoned castle situated in Sicily , carries a rich history dating back centuries. Built in the medieval era, it served as a defensive fortress, guarding the surrounding...
Black Dog. Source: Maya Kruchancova / Adobe Stock.

Curse of the Night: Legend of the Black Dog (Video)

In the depths of eastern England lies a tranquil village, yet beneath its serene facade, an ancient legend lurks. Passed down through generations, the tale tells of a chilling encounter with a...
Venus mourning Adonis by Sir Peter Paul Rubens. Source: Public domain

5 Heartbreaking Roman Myths That’ll Captivate You

Roman myths are an integral part of the ancient Roman civilization, and their significance extends far beyond their religious context. These tales of romance, heroism, and tragedy have captured the...
A representation of Jötunn (Giant) Surtr of Norse mythology. Source: warmtail/Adobe Stock

Surtr: Norse Mythology's Giant God of Fire and Apocalypse

Giants, demigods, dwarves and elves - all these creatures made the Old Norse mythology so colorful and captivating. Preserved for posterity in the Norse sagas and manuscripts, these myths and legends...
Beltane pagan celebration. Source: Karrrtinki / Adobe Stock.

5 Pagan Traditions That Will Leave You Spellbound (Video)

Beltane is an ancient Gaelic festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the renewal of life. The pagan traditions associated with it have survived through the centuries, with many still...
Jesus on the cross. Source: ImagineDesign / Adobe Stock.

Ye Olde Dragon Slayer: The Legend of St George (Video)

In a time long ago, in a land far away, there lived a legendary hero whose name echoed throughout the ages. He was a mighty warrior, a skilled knight , and a fierce dragon slayer. This hero's name...
An artist's rendering of the hypothetical impact of a planet like Theia and Earth. (Public Domain)

Theia—Greek Goddess of Light, the Sun, the Moon, and Wisdom

The Olympian gods are well known to most people in the Western world. A lesser-known deity is Theia. Theia is the primordial Greek goddess of light. She was considered one of the Titans. She is said...
Representation of Celtic god Cernunnos. Source: (Oleksandr/Adobe Stock)

Cernunnos - The Enigmatic Antlered God of the Ancient Celts

The Celts can rightfully be placed amongst the world’s most important ancient cultures and civilizations. Their far-reaching ancient origins are the irreplaceable part of every historical lesson, and...
The medallion bearing the earliest known mention of the Norse god Odin.     Source: Arnold Mikkelsen/ Denmark National Museum

Oldest Inscription of ‘Odin’ Resets Beliefs About Norse Mythology

Archaeologists in Denmark are celebrating the discovery of the oldest inscription mentioning the god Odin. This story begins with the 2021 discovery of a 5th century collection of Norse treasures at...
Digital representation of a trap-feeding humpback, thought to be the phenomenon explaining Hafgufa and other sea monsters. Source: J. McCarthy/Marine Mammal Science

Medieval Sea Monster Was Likely a Whale, New Research Reveals

A team of Australian researchers has come up with an intriguing theory about a gigantic sea creature referenced in 13th century Norse manuscripts. Known as the Hafgufa in Norway, this huge sea...
Sculpture depicting the gnarly-faced character of Baba Yaga. Source: Public domain

Baba Yaga: The Wicked Witch of Slavic Folklore

As ambiguous as she is hideous, Baba Yaga is an anomaly. In Slavic folklore, Baba Yaga is both a maternal, mother nature figure and an evil villain who kidnaps and eats children. Numerous renditions...
Many hags/witches are depicted as possessing supernatural powers and the use of magic. Source: TeodorLazarev/AdobeStock

8 of History’s Most Terrifying Hags

Whether one is studying European, Asian, or American folklore, different variations of the same nightmarish creatures tend to crop up. Of all the things that go bump in the night, the most prominent...
Edinburgh Castle is reputed to be one of the most haunted monuments in the world! This is unsurprising, given all the bloodshed it’s seen since the 12th century.	Source: Savvapanf Photo / Adobe Stock

Seven Haunted Monuments and Their Violent Past

Who doesn’t love a good ghost story? Historic monuments throughout the globe are said to be home to ghostly goings-on. Travel to any city in the world and you’re likely to find haunted landmarks and...
Hundreds of people report cryptid sightings like Bigfoot every year. Will definitive proof ever be found?           Source: Dave / Adobe Stock

7 Monstrously Famous Cryptids We’re Still Looking For

A cryptid is a type of animal that some people believe to be real, despite the fact that its existence is disputed or “unproven”. Sometimes these are animals that science believes to be extinct, but...
Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis?

Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis?

Jutting from the deep briny mists of the mid-Atlantic, some 800 miles (1287 km) due west of Portugal, the Azores strike one as bejeweled, fern and flower-encrusted baubles in a vast expanse of blue...
The Saga of the Völsungs features Norse hero Sigurd hunting the dragon Fafnir. Source: Wachirawit / Adobe Stock

The Saga of the Völsungs: Epic Story of the Greatest Norse Heroes

Much of what we know about Norse mythology and history comes from their sagas. These are stories written in the Old Norse language that recount early Viking voyages, battles, and feuds between...
Phantoms islands never existed in the first place, but their origins are varied. Source: Indstock / Adobe Stock

7 Phantom Islands We Never Really Discovered

The Earth is a big place, and it has taken us a long, long time to fully map it. Today, it is easy to feel like the last of the great adventures is over, and we’ve found all that there is to be found...
