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The original meaning of "to run amok" can be traced back to Southeast Asia in the 1500s, where it referred to individuals who were possessed by spirits and engaged in rampage killings. Source: X-Poser / Adobe Stock

Historic Malay Expression “Run Amok” Perfectly Defines Mass Shootings

From “ cut off your nose to spite your face ” to “ saved by the bell ,” everyday we employ words and sayings inherited from the tapestry of cultural influences which have shaped the English language...
There have been many theories and many treatments for depression over the millennia of human history. Source: Love the wind / Adobe Stock.

Melancholia: How Ancient Societies Grappled to Understand and Treat Depression

Depression is a serious mental disorder and a state of being that troubles many people all over the world. It is not a condition to be taken lightly – it can weigh down on a person immensely and can...