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Underwater archaeologist exploring the ancient remains of Baiae. Source: Naumacos / Campi Flegrei Archaeological Park

Stunning Roman Villas Unearthed in Underwater Ruins of Ancient Baiae

Underwater archaeologists working in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Naples, off Italy’s western coast, recently discovered the ruins of spectacular Roman villas. Built 2,000 years ago, or possibly...
The discovery of the Visigoth sarcophagus in an abandoned Roman villa in the Murcia region of Spain.

1,500-year-old Visigoth Sarcophagus Found at Roman Villa Site

The Visigoths, the so-called barbaric tribe that would ultimately defeat the Romans and bring down the Roman Empire, were an early Germanic warring people. The course of their wars would ultimately...
Italica, Spain: Rome’s First Settlement In Hispania Became Incredible!

Italica, Spain: Rome’s First Settlement In Hispania Became Incredible!

Italica is an archaeological site located in the southern part of Spain, not far from Seville. The site dates to the Roman period and was founded by Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. Italica is...
A diver explores the Baiae Underwater Archaeological Site

Hedonistic ‘Sunken City of the Caesars’ Recaptured By Divers After 1,700 Years

The sunken city of the Caesars that was lost for over seventeen centuries under the blue waters of Italy's west coast, has been uncovered in impressive new pictures taken by divers who were permitted...