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Science & Space

Ancient Origins articles related to Science & Space in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

'We managed to take some samples of skin along with the muscle tissue, and we hope that we will find what we want in these samples.'

South Koreans Kick Off Efforts to Clone Extinct Siberian Cave Lions

By: The Siberian Times reporter Samples taken from cubs frozen in permafrost for at least 12,000 years. Two infant prehistoric big cats - dating from Pleistocene times - were found in a 'sensational...
A calcite crystal found on an Elizabethan ship believed to have helped the Vikings navigate the seas.

Did the Vikings use crystal sunstones to discover America?

By Stephen Harding Ancient records tell us that the intrepid Viking seafarers who discovered Iceland, Greenland and eventually North America navigated using landmarks, birds and whales, and little...
The Clay Tablet that reveals the Babylonians were using calculus to track the path of Jupiter.

Clay Tablet Reveals Ancient Babylonians Used Calculus to Track Jupiter 1,500 Years before Europeans

A new analysis of a set of ancient clay tablets has revealed that ancient astronomers of Babylonia used advanced geometrical methods to calculate the position of Jupiter – a conceptual leap that was...
Main: Tampa Bay in Florida (pictured). Inset: Photograph of an ITE-2.

BREAKING NEWS: New Telescope Observes Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities with Intelligent Movement

A new report published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Modern Physics has revealed a startling finding – a newly developed telescope with concave lenses has observed, for the first...
NASA artist’s depiction of the Black hole Cygnus X-1.

Did the Beginning of Life on Earth Depend on Black Holes?

An American researcher believes that there is a chance that complex life on habitable planets, such as Earth, could have been “switched on” by black holes. The results of his research seem to be...
Meteorite recovered from Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre.

4.5 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Recovered Before Being Washed Away as Heavy Rains Cause Rare Filling of Ancient Australian Lake

A meteorite that is older than Earth itself was recovered from Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre in South Australia, just hours before heavy rains would have washed away all trace of it. The retrieval of the...
Top Ten Historical Health and Medical Discoveries of 2015

Top Ten Historical Health and Medical Discoveries of 2015

There is much more to archaeology than just learning about our past. The study of the ancient world has also led to astounding discoveries that may have real utility in the modern day. As well as...
The ancient Egyptian sky goddess, Nut, arching over the earth. The human figures represent stars and constellations.

Ancient Egyptians Discovered the Period of Algol Three Millennia Before Previously Thought and Used the Information for Divination

There have long been theories that the mythological texts of the ancient Egyptians contain scripture related to astronomical phenomena. It is also known that as part of their cosmology, the Egyptians...
“The Alchymist, in Search of the Philosopher's Stone” by Joseph Wright of Derby, 1771.

From Magic to Science: The Intriguing Ritual and Powerful Work of Alchemy

Throughout time, history has recorded numerous rituals and magic practices, some more bizarre than others. While alchemists were preoccupied with finding the Philosopher's Stone and the elixir of...
The squash in this photo had not been grown for hundreds of years. Native Americans revived it after finding seeds in a pot 800 years old.

Native Americans Revived Squash From 800-Year-Old Seeds

Some Native Americans found squash seeds in a pot about 800 years old and revived the plant for the first time in centuries. The seeds from the large, bright orange squash have been distributed to...
A woolly mammoth meets a meteor strike

The Carolina Bays and the Destruction of North America

This is an ancient and enduring mystery from pre-historic North America, involving geology, astronomy, climatology and zoology. And unravelling this mystery will tell us a great deal about our world...
St Macarius of Ghent Giving Aid to the Plague Victims, 1673 painting by Jacob van Oost

The Plague that brought down mighty empires is thousands of years older than thought

The Plague is far older than previously known and later changed to become much more virulent—so virulent that it may have contributed to the decline of Classical Greece and the Roman and Byzantine...
Two planets in space, glowing mysterious nebula in universe.

Astronomers say Flickering of Distant Star Could be the Result of an Unearthly Civilization

It has been described as the most mysterious star in our galaxy. The star, labelled as KIC 8462852, sits between the constellations of Cygnus and Lyra, invisible to the naked eye, but visible through...
The flea caught in amber

Amber encases a flea infected 20 million years ago with bubonic plague-type bacteria

Closely related ancestors of the bacteria that cause the bubonic plague may be millions of years older than the 14 th century, when the disease devastated Asia and killed more than half of Europe’s...

Exploring Ancient Lunar Legends as first Supermoon in Three Decades set to Dazzle Tonight

The moon has been an object of worship, veneration, and intrigue among ancient civilizations for thousands of years. Now, it is set to capture our admiration once again as a Supermoon lunar eclipse,...
Living bacteria found in Siberian permafrost

Russian scientists make progress on secret of eternal life

Scientists have decoded the DNA of a bacteria found thriving in ancient permafrost, and are now seeking to understand the genes which provide its extraordinary longevity. Work is also underway to...
Main: NASA researchers working on the Arctic ice (NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre / Flickr). Inset: Mollivirus sibericum particle (Photo: PNAS)

Ancient mega-virus that does not resemble any virus on Earth is set to be revived

Evoking visions of mad scientists, French researchers are set to revive a mega-virus dormant for 30,000 years that they discovered in the permafrost of the Russian Arctic. The researchers, from the...
Grain bins were ritually burned down during Africa's Iron Age. The resulting burnt patches have been used in the search for information regarding the South Atlantic Anomaly and the reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles.

Ancient Huts Provide New Information on Magnetic Pole Reversal and the South Atlantic Anomaly

Scientists have recently reported that ancient burned patches on the ground in southern Africa provide groundbreaking information about the "weak spot" in the Earth's magnetic field - the South...
Rio Tinto, Huelva, Spain

An Ancient Mine with Links to the Search for Life on Mars: Rio Tinto Reopens

The Rio Tinto mine in Spain is set to re-open after being closed in 2001 due to declines in production, EMED Mining announced to Australian Mining . Reportedly one of the oldest mines in the world,...
Dinosaurs in a global mass extinction

Did Elusive Dark Matter Trigger Global Mass Extinctions and Doom the Dinosaurs?

Associations between unseen forces in space and terrific cataclysms on Earth are being made by scientists who hypothesize that dark matter might be behind ancient mass dinosaur extinctions, and may...
Roman nanotechnology

Roman nanotechnology inspires next-generation holograms for information storage

The Lycurgus Cup, as it is known due to its depiction of a scene involving King Lycurgus of Thrace, is a 1,600-year-old jade green Roman chalice that changes colour depending on the direction of the...
Cosmology and the Great year

Cosmological discoveries lend support for legendary Great Year

Ancient cultures around the world believed that consciousness and history move in a vast cycle of time with alternating Dark and Golden Ages - Plato called it the Great Year. Today we know it as one...
Nabataeans - Petra, Jordan

Ancient monuments of the Nabataeans were built according to celestial events

A study published in March by the Nexus Network Journal suggests that the spatial position of palaces, temples, and tombs built at least 2, 300 years ago by the Nabataeans, including the famous city...
Halley Comet

Halley's Comet Linked to Planet Cooling 1,500 Years Ago

A new study has suggested that a large fragment of the famous Halley’s comet crashed into Earth in 536 AD causing a ripple effect of damage including dramatic changes in the planet’s climate, leading...
