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  1. Junapani Stone Circles: India’s Astronomical Megalithic Tombs

    ... during the Iron Age (1500 BC-200 AD). The Junapani stone circles of Maharashtra are a particularly important network ... of megalithic structures. Moreover, the Junapani stone circles offer interesting insights as they may have ... / Research Gate ) What We Know About The Junapani Stone Circles The Junapani stone circles are located about 10 ...

    Caleb Strom - 18/02/2021 - 13:53

  2. 6 of the Most Magnificent Stone Circles of the British Isles

    ... tradition of Europe’s Neolithic and Bronze Age stone circles, megaliths, and henges is by far the most mysterious ... tradition of Europe’s Neolithic and Bronze Age stone circles, megaliths, and henges is by far the most mysterious ... glimpse into the lives of our ancestors. Today, stone circles dot Europe and are widely found in the areas once ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 10/05/2020 - 19:00

  3. The incredible Senegambian Stone Circles

    ... and technological achievement. Take the Senegambian Stone Circles, for instance. On average, the stones forming these circles are 2m in height and weigh up to 7 tons each. ... of Egypt, the incredible feature of the Senegambian Stone Circles is that there are more than 1000 of them spread over ...

    dhwty - 18/05/2014 - 12:10

  4. The Mystery of Stonehenge, Ancient Petroglyphs and Crop Circles

    ... Revelations have appeared via another great mystery, crop circles but in a formation so obtuse it was largely bypassed. ... largely unexplored. However it is a major key to much crop circle imagery and meaning; that Earth life is affected ...

    geraldine - 07/05/2013 - 13:40

  5. Top Ten Builds by the Ancients that Were Exposed in 2015: Stone Circles, Architecture, Petroglyphs, Fortresses and More

    ... rival some of the most important works built today. Stone circles, architectural structures, petroglyphs, geoglyphs, ... that has large Native American stone effigies, cairns, circles, and structures used centuries ago to drive cattle ... Native American sites have separate effigies, cairns, circles or drive lines to direct buffalo, but this is the ...

    aprilholloway - 27/12/2015 - 14:24

  6. Stunning Sacred Megalithic Sites of Britain

    More than nine hundred stone circles exist in the British Isles and twice that number may ... originally have been built.  More than nine hundred stone circles exist in the British Isles and twice that number may ... structures are more accurately called rings rather than circles because they often display non-circular elliptical ...

    Gary Manners - 27/12/2022 - 01:00

  7. Andean Agriculture: What Were The Inca Building At Moray?

    ... Given that the structure and surroundings of the Moray circles still remain largely intact – it is almost a ... seems appropriate for what was being attempted here.  Circles In The Rock Certainly Moray is beautiful. Several ... and the smallest in size around the outer circle. The circles grow gradually thinner as they go out of the ...

    Bipin Dimri - 29/10/2021 - 15:00

  8. 4,000-Year-Old Necropolis with more than 100 Tombs Discovered Near Bethlehem

    ... while the other was decorated with a series of circles.  One other tomb contained the remains of a man, a ...

    mrreese - 05/03/2016 - 22:24

  9. Ten Stunning Yet Little Known Ancient Treasures Across Africa

    ... tourists from across the world. From over a thousand stone circles concentrated in a small area to ruins of great ... known in the wider world. The incredible Senegambian Stone Circles It is amazing that the Senegambian Stone Circles are not more well-known considering there are more ...

    aprilholloway - 03/11/2015 - 20:42

  10. A Dream Destination for Egyptologists: The Amazing Amarna Necropolis

    Amarna is a dream destination for many Egyptologists. The temples, tombs, and houses left by the people who lived in the area thousands of years ago make up one of the most impressive discoveries in Egypt. The city of Akhenaten was destroyed, but the ruins and tombs tell its eternal story.

    Natalia Klimczak - 28/09/2016 - 14:55

  11. Dinosaur Tracks in Brazil Found to Have Petroglyph ‘Companions’

    ... and matched in various ways. Especially common were carved circles with lines running crosswise or radiating out from ...

    Nathan Falde - 21/03/2024 - 21:53

  12. Do you dare enter a fairy ring? The mythical mushroom portals of the supernatural

    ... of fairy rings was established. These fairy rings (fairy circles, elf circles or pixie rings) are a naturally occurring phenomenon. ... fairy realm and our world. It was also believed that the circles were formed by shooting stars, lightning strikes, or ...

    lizleafloor - 28/08/2018 - 16:08

  13. The Mzora Stone Circle: A Megalithic Mystery in Morocco

    ... site is constantly reassessed. But the building of stone circles like this is far from an isolated event. There are ... the UK, to Stoplesteinan in Norway , and a number of stone circles at the site of Carnac in France . Outer circle of the ... they were used for or who they were built by these stone circles all have one thing in common – they are a ...

    Sarah P Young - 22/04/2019 - 22:59

  14. 2,700-Year-Old Iron Age Pit Tomb Necropolis Unearthed in Italy

    ... 50 feet (15 meters) in diameter and surrounded by stone circles. It is believed these mounds would have been reserved ...

    Nathan Falde - 07/05/2024 - 22:41

  15. The Where, When and How of Quarrying Stonehenge 'Bluestones' Is Revealed in New Report

    ... years ago, and whether there were any important stone circles here, built before the bluestones were moved to ... (National Museum of Wales). Stonehenge and Nearby Stone Circles Were Newcomers to Landscape worked by Ice Age hunters ...

    ancient-origins - 20/02/2019 - 01:52

  16. Ancient Cave Art at Mfangano Island Kenya, Revered For Generations

    ... estimated to be 4000 years old. It consists of concentric circles built by a culture long gone but still revered. ... estimated to be 4000 years old. It consists of concentric circles built by a culture long gone but still revered. Lake ... neighboring Congo, Rwanda, and the forests. Twa made these circles before the Bantus came into the region around ...

    Avi Kumar - 19/09/2023 - 14:54

  17. Arkaim: Aryans, Advanced Astronomy and Untold Secrets of a Russian Citadel

    ... figure(s). Its ruins show thick walls built in concentric circles. These circles were built around a main square, probably a ... Arkaim’s layout to a swastika and/or mandala. The large circles surrounding an internal square bring the image of a ...

    Alicia McDermott - 16/05/2018 - 18:47

  18. 7,000-Year-Old Ritual Site Unearthed in Poland

    ... of the enclosure were so clear that they looked like the crop circles made by aliens in science fiction movies“. Looking like crop circles the remains of the ritual site was first spotted ...

    Ed Whelan - 19/11/2019 - 22:58

  19. Over 40 New Sites Added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List

    ... ‘astronomical orientation.’ Norway’s “UFO-Esque Crop Circles” Made the Unesco World Heritage List In Norway, a ... settings, described by the DaIly Mail as “UFO-esque crop circles,” were actually Viking-age fortresses. Located ...

    ashley cowie - 22/09/2023 - 22:59

  20. The Legend of Atlantis: Between Ancient Ruins and a Philosopher’s Tale

    ... did it reach it? Why should these extraordinary structures crop out on the banks of the Nile, and amid the forests and ... Donnelly did not mention? In fact, there is. Concentric Circles The motif of concentric circles is found in a remarkably similar form across cultures ...

    Brad Yoon - 21/07/2016 - 21:51
