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The careful removal of Stone Age remains from excavation at Stokke

8,000-year-old "Brunstad Man" Stone Age Skeleton May be Oldest Ever Found in Norway

A skeleton uncovered in Norway is believed to be approximately 8,000 years old, Norwegian archaeologists say. If the dating is accurate, the Stone Age skeleton is a significant discovery, being the...
Ancient skull was drilled and harvested for medicine

Ancient skull was drilled and harvested for medicine in the 18th century

The skull of a man who was beheaded in the 15 th century was at the center of a mystery until experts revealed the cranium was harvested to be used as medicine. Within the crypt of Italy’s Otranto...
50,000-year-old Skull

50,000-year-old Skull May Show Human-Neanderthal Hybrids Originated in Levant, not Europe as Thought

A 55,000-year-old skull found at Manot Cave in northern Israel is shedding light on the origins and migrations of ancient humanity. The skull, suggested to be evidence of a pairing between...
Comparison of Modern Human and Neanderthal skulls.

Prehistoric teeth found in China may point to mysterious new human species

The more research that is done into the prehistoric origins of humans, the more crowded it gets. According to a new study, there may well have been multiple species of primitive humans between 60,000...
4,000-Year-Old Copper Crown Found in India

4,000-Year-Old Copper Crown Found in India

By Venus Upadhayaya , Epoch Times Indian archaeologists uncovered a 4,000-year-old copper crown in the village of Chandayan, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh last week, from what they...
A trepannated skull from Neolithic period

Evidence of successful brain surgery and ancient pharmaceutical warehouse found in Turkey

Archaeologists have unearthed evidence of ancient surgery among the remains of people who lived in a settlement near Istanbul, Turkey, between the 11 th and 6 th centuries B.C. A skull, buried among...
Bulgarian farmer discovers skull resembling werewolf

Bizarre Discovery of Werewolf-Like Skull in a Chained Box in Bulgaria

A Bulgarian born farmer, Trayche Draganov, claims to have found a box, chained shut, containing a werewolf-like skull while ploughing a new section of field in the village of Novo Selo, Republic of...

Optical Illusions: The Challenge of Tracing Human Origins

If tracing this lineage from our earliest ancestor seems inconsistent or spotty, that’s because it is. We have a makeshift model of human history that had been cobbled together by geneticists,...
Egyptian mummy with peculiar skull containing brain imprint

Archaeologists find Egyptian mummy with peculiar skull containing brain imprint

Archaeologists are trying to unravel a mystery surrounding the discovery of a 2,000-year-old Egyptian mummy whose skull contains imprints left by the brain, said a report in Live Science . The...
Thomas Sutikna of the Indonesian Centre for Archeology holds the skull of Hobbit

Fierce scientific debate has erupted over identity of Hobbit species

A heated international dispute has erupted over the publication of a paper earlier this month claiming that the tiny skeleton of an adult from Indonesia’s Flores island was a modern human with Down’s...
Brain-damaged child 100,000 years old

New study shows brain-damaged child was well cared for 100,000 years ago

A new study published in the journal PLOS ONE has revealed the discovery of a Paleolithic child who appears to have suffered extensive brain damage after an injury, but survived for years afterwards...
8,000-year-old skull with preserved brain in Norway

The discovery of an 8,000-year-old skull believed to contain preserved brain matter in Norway

Earlier this year, archaeologists in Norway made an extremely rare discovery when they found an ancient skull believed to date back 8,000 years at a dig site in Stokke, southwest of Oslo. According...
Ancient human skull of Neanderthal

Ancient human skull discovered with Neanderthal characteristics

A new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has revealed that a 100,000-year-old human-like skull found in China bears resemblance to a Neanderthal, providing...
The Battle of Hastings

Archaeologists believe they have found first ever skeleton of Battle of Hastings warrior

Researchers have found the skeleton of a 45-year-old man in East Sussex, not far from the famous battlefield upon which the Battle of Hastings took place in 1066, according to a report in the BBC ...
Tulum Underwater Cave - Mexico

Underwater discovery in submerged Mexican cave provides glimpse of First Americans

The oldest complete Ice Age skeleton found in an underwater cave in Mexico may help solve a long-standing mystery regarding the identity of the earliest inhabitants of America and how they are...
Hopewell Skull

Hopewell skulls pose a mystery

The Hopewell culture describes a widely dispersed set of related Native American populations that flourished along The Ohio River Valley from 200 BC to 500 AD. The culture is characterised by its...
New Information on the Petralona Skull Controversy

New Information on the Petralona Skull Controversy

Ancient Origins has recently presented the debate about the skull found in Petralona, Greece. This debate has been continuing in the scientific community for more than half a century. While the Greek...
Mexico's elongated Skulls

The 13 Alien-Like Skulls Found in Mexico‏

When archaeologists excavated the ancient burial site “El Cementerio,” near the Mexican village of Onavas, they made a shocking discovery. They unearthed 25 skulls, 13 of which were elongated and...
Kapala skull caps

The practices and rituals of Tibetan Kapala skull caps

The word Kapala is a Sanskirt term meaning skull, bowl, vessel, begging bowl and is a decorative human skull used as a ritual implement in both Hindu and Buddhist Tantra. They were often carved with...
1.8-million-year-old skull - Georgia

Does this 1.8-million-year-old skull rewrite the history of mankind?

A skull found in Dmanisi , Georgia, by anthropologists from the University of Zurich, is the best-preserved fossil find yet from the early era of our genus and has the potential to rewrite...
African in England

What were remains of 1,000-year-old African skeleton doing in England?

A skeleton discovered by teenagers earlier this summer from the River Coln in England has been identified as an African woman who died around 1,000 years ago, between 896AD and 1025AD. Now the...
Six million year old ape cranium

Six million year old ape cranium discovered in China

In the last few months, China has begun intensively investigating questions relating to human origins in an effort to discover whether their nation has been one of the cradles of civilizations. This...
Mysterious skull found in Australia Could Rewrite History

Mysterious skull found in Australia Could Rewrite History

Australia may need to revise its history books after the mysterious skull of a white man found in New South Wales was found to date back to the 1600s, long before the arrival of Captain James Cook in...
Prehistoric Indian Skull

Prehistoric American Indian Skull Found in Kansas City

Two teenagers in Kansas City have stumbled upon the skull and tooth of a woman that is many centuries old. The discovery of the skull was initially believed to be that of a homicide victim,...
