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General Discussion

Anything and everything ancient that is not covered by the other categories.

has anyone talked about this before? bird-head man drawing on Easter island


it’s my first time posting here. I know the connection between Gobekli tepe and Easter island has been discussed by many, but the discussion was mainly focused on Moai and the stone pillars. I am not sure if anyone has talked about the below artifact or not: 

Increase A303 Stonehenge Tunnel to 6.12km (3.8mi)

Increase A303 Stonehenge Tunnel to 6.12km (3.8mi) Garry Denke d/b/a A Texas Tycoon (net worth £1T) has offered to Solely Fund construction of A303 Stonehenge Tunnel provided its length is increased to 6.12km (3.8mi) at no cost to UK Taxpayers. Good Faith deposit is already in National Trust / English Heritage hands. Accept offer. Citizens save £2B. Majority of stakeholders in Agreement to said increase.

Chambers inside the Sphinx - 1914 report

Hi everyone, 

I stumbled across a newspaper article (just a small article) from March 1914 in an Australian newspaper that says that in 1914 Professor G. A. Reisner of Harvard University excavated the hole in the top of the Sphinx head and found rooms including a sun temple AND the sarcophagus of Pharoah Menes. This seems to have all been forgotten, strangely. Has anybody else ever seen anything on this? 

I made a video for my new YouTube channel to show this. Please take a look:

What's your favourite Fairy Tales (and their possible origins)

Fairy Tales are beloved by all, deservedly so. So which Fair Tales do you enjoy most? If you can tell us its origin, or possible meaning, then please share that too! It’s always great to learn something new about our favourite stories :)

Mine is The Singing Bone, which has its origin (possibly) from an old Greek Myth (Meleager and the Calydonian boar) both stories have a boar, a murdered brother, and a sort of ‘Stick of fate’ effect.

However, the Greek Myth does not have a singing bone XD, which would have upped the epicness.

‘Ancient Alien Expeditionaries’ Reality Check

‘Ancient Alien Expeditionaries’  Reality Check

To begin, I am a realist; presenting a realistic theory of plausible explanations of alien contact an influence in one section of Earth known as Mesopotamia prior to and during the ‘Great Flood’ and impact of both in the aftermath.

Earliest mention of the Durian Fruit


I am doing research on the history of the durian fruit. I am writing a book and looking for the earliest mention of durian by explorers or traders in Southeast Asia. 

Currently, my earliest reference to durian is either Zheng He’s expedition around 1407 or Niccolo da Conti’s voyage around 1421.

However, both Ptolemy and Pliny make references to the jackfruit from India, and as it seems there was trade going on between Malaysia and ancient Rome as early the 1st century AD, I see no reason someone would not have mentioned durian in their writings much earlier.

Zhuan Falun ( Turning The Law Wheel )

Hi all,

New member here. : )

I've come across a fascinating book that talks about high level spiritual things from a scientific perspective. This book is intriguing as it talks about many similar things to what people in mystical states mention such as seeing into parallel dimensions and interacting with beings from other worlds etc.

Noah on the Phaistos disk

Hello every good body & very sorry for my englesh, pls

Imagine that you need to be represented graphically (schematically) the room in which along two opposite walls are 4 (for some) room, and this room has a separate entrance. This image, you have to fit into a square with sides at least 2 cm.
It is obvious - simple and clear options quite a bit; And perhaps, on the Phaistos disk, we have the optimal solution of this problem.

Mathematical Codes Encrypted in the Pyramids of Giza

Many people are aware of the many mathematical codes that are 'encrypted' in the Pyramids of Giza. For example the ratio between half the basis (which has then a value of 1) of the pyramid and the height is equal to √φ, while the hypotenuse equals φ itself. There are many more mathematical constants to find in the pyramids.

Alignment of the Pyramids of Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza, with the Pyramid of Kukulcan, is the towering icon of Chichen Itza. This pyramid is seemingly pointless aligned under an angle of 23° from the North.

Another interesting building on that site is El Caracol, which is believed ot be an ancient observatory. The top appears to be realigned in the same direction as El castillo (the Pyramid of Kukulcan). But the base is aligned to an even more ancient pole.

The North wall of this observatorium is pointing to the same pole as that of Teotihuacan.
