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General Discussion

Anything and everything ancient that is not covered by the other categories.

Chaco Canyon Mystery

Chaco Canyon is located in Northwestern New Mexico, USA.  It's an astounding site with ruins like no other in the US.  In fact, the site could easily fit into ruins typically found in Mexico, Central America, and South America.  The first time I visited the site was years ago.  At that time there was a small museum and one lady running it.  The site was open and you could walk around among the ruins anywhere you wanted even going down into the Kivas.  So we did and it was amazing!  

Out of Place Artifacts

I'm sure most of you here know that many ancient artifacts have been unearthed around the world that do not fit into the accepted theories of human history.  Take a look at two such artifacts found in Southeastern Arizona in the past decade at the link below.  They appear to be Oldowan Tools, ancient stone tools used by such proto-human species as Homo habilis and Homo erectus.  Yet, history says these species were never in North America.  So how do these artifacts get into a dry river bed in Arizona, USA???  I will be interested in reading your observations, theories, and opinions.

Electronic access to Dead Sea Scrolls starting

With regards to old texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls are regarded as one of probably the most essential historical texts discovered in the last few generations. The Israel Museum was lambasted in the past for not delivering more extensive access to the fragile and broken documents. Now, through a relationship with Google, the Dead Sea Scrolls are being scanned and supplied online. 

Dead Sea Scrolls digitization project

Interesting movie, albeit controversial

I've watched this a few times on Youtube. It's long...7.5 hours...there are parts I love and agree with and parts that I'm not so sure about...but it covers so many very wonderful and interesting topics. There is a verison that has it broken down into like 6 chapters...if you'd rather watch in doses. My fav part is the math involved with Coral Castle--which isn't ancient, but is a "wonder"!!

Devil/Halloween Question

Okay, I am not trying to start any sort of fight but I have a question due to the amazing amount of people I'm friends with on Facebook that refer to Halloween as "The Devil's Birthday"'s kinda a multi-part question so bear with me, here goes....Are angels created or do they just exist? Like would an Angel have any sort of specific birthdate? If they have a specific birthdate, who is tracking this? Would the "Devils Birthday" be the day he was born/created or when he fell from grace? I know this is a little trivial...but it just got me thinking.

Chariots of the Gods

When I get bored and there's nothing left for me to binge on Netflix, I always put on Chariots of the Gods. I've seen this a ridiculous number of times, for some reason, I just noticed around the 8 min mark when they are showing the Natives looking up to the sky waiting for the Gods to come, are they all wearing wigs? The hair just doesn't look right at all. I've never noticed it before today, or at least it's never stuck out so much before. Has anyone else noticed this?

Did Deforestation Pave the Way for Ebola Outbreak?

Deforestation is a huge global problem, because it destroys animal habitats, deprives indigenous peoples of their traditional livelihoods and contributes to climate change. But if that doesn’t tip the scale for you, here’s yet another downside to be concerned about. Deforestation might have a role in this year’s outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, which already has killed 4,500 people there.

Geography, Middle East, War, Ancient Sites

Anyone out there wayyy better at geography than me? I am wondering with all of the war-torn areas in the middle east right now...are some of these ancient sites being ruined? i can't imagine my own government would really concern themselves that much with preserving them considering i feel like we are pretty much war making bullies (MY OPINION!)...any insight?

Ancient text resources

I'm pretty new to the whole field of ancient origins/history, and I've been reading people like Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock, Zecharia Sitchin. I'm looking for recommendations for English translations of ancient texts, especially the bible, and Sumerian and Mesopotamian "mythology". I'm not a serious scholar, but I probably would prefer more scholarly translations with notes

Birthday Celebrations

My daughter is turning 1 year old today, so that made me think, I wonder how/if ancient people celebrated birthdays and where this whole birthday celebration thing came from....after a little google searching it seems like bad/evil spirits like to try and get you on your birthday, and the best way to ward them off was by surrounding yourself with family and friends....their good wishes and gifts served to help send these nasty spirits packing.

Lighting your birthday candles and making a wish was a way of connecting and sending your message to the gods.

Any Songwriters out there???

On my way to work this morning I was listening to the radio and "We Didn't Start the Fire" came on and I'm singing and rocking out in the car...when it came to me that I wish someone would do a paraody-esque verison using ancient people, places and events. I'm no song writer or history expert...but I think it would be awesome and I would lend any support that I can! :)


What are you thoughts, theories and ideas about Atlantis? Are the Atlantians the original teachers of how to build pyramids? Where is the remains of the city? Is it lost to all time or until someone grabs a book and hunts it down like Troy? What about their disappearence....the depths of the ocean or did they blast off to space? I've been on a big Atlantis kick right now...I've watched several documentaries so I wanted to see what your ideas were!!! Please share! And if you know a good documentary, let me know that too!!!

Futurists excited over these world-changing innovations

Are you a futurist? Do you consider great innovations to be gateways through which our lives can be made better? Here's a future prediction of innovations that can alter the globe, courtesy of The Futurist magazine. While none of this should be set in stone, the potential to save money, time and ultimately life makes them something to be valued. Article source: Why not even implement your hair a love as well as have a look into on

Reading your brain

can someone educate me here?

Okay so I'm a big fan of the show Ancient Aliens. On the show I've heard them talk about the Mahabarata...India's Epic poem. Can this work be found in a book I could get online or at like a used book store? Would it be called the Mahabarata or is that part of a larger work under a different title?


The thing I fear the most about posting on forums and making comments on articles is that I am going to seem stupid. I know I'm not stupid; but some people on here seem to be highly I'm asking for help.

TV Shows/Documentaries

What are some tv shows or documentaries that you have enjoyed? I know I personally like Ancient Aliens. I know it gets a lot of crap from people, and I'm not saying I think that it's 100% the truth, but I do like that it introduces me to other ways of thinking, places I've never heard of, and expands on things I do know something about. I also enjoy anything about UFOs, Bigfoot, and Egypt. I've pretty well exhausted everything I can find on Netflix, Hulu and any other free platform (we don't have cable). Any suggestions? What are your favorites?



Need help identifying gold item

Hi Everyone, 

Occasionally we receive requests for help identifying an artifact of unknown origins, so we are hoping some of you may have expertise that could help. 

The below item is a small gold wrought object that appears to depict an eagle that has been shot through its head causing the eyes to be displaced. The feet are bound and it may once have opened to be some kind of cuff ornamentation for a bow or something else. 

The item was purchased from a seaman over 100 years ago, but its origin is unknown. 
