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Egyptian Figures

The Figures of Egypt take many forms – from living beings to legendary gods, and even hybrids of the two – pharaohs were treated as gods too. And as much history was written in stone, we have many records of who ruled, who was worshipped, and even who made the beer! Some of the famous figures still exist today, in the form of mummified remains. Here you can explore them all.

Left; Statuette depicting a worshipping baboon, Right; Baboon mummy.         Source: Left; Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, Right; CC BY SA 2.0

Origin of Ancient Mummified Baboons in Egypt Found and Points to a Location for Punt

University of Konstanz Primatologists are using genetic analysis to determine the geographic origin of ancient, mummified baboons found in Egypt. In doing so the evidence points to an astonishing...
Osiris as a pharaoh, real king (NorLife/ Adobe Stock)

Was Osiris A Real Person Deified After Death Or A Mythical God?

Who was Osiris? Was he a mythological God in ancient Egypt before Christianity began, or was he a real person, a King of Egypt? Dr Ken Jeremiah provides his thoughts on the existence of a real person...
A carved and painted wooden coffin, depicting "Ta Djesa," the daughter of a high priest of Jehuty in Ashmunein uncovered at the Griefa cemetery Egypt.   Source: Ministry of Antiquities

High Officials and Priests Cemetery Yield Stunning Array of Artifacts in Egypt

Egypt‘s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities reveals a remarkable cemetery from the New Kingdom. This unprecedented discovery includes a 13 to 15-meter (42.65 to 49.21 feet) long scroll illustrating...
Cat mummy. (Justin Ennis / Flickr)

Cat Mummies Were a Big Thing in Ancient Egypt (Video)

In ancient Egypt, cat mummies held a special place in the religious practices of the time. The practice of mummifying cats and other animals was considered sacred . However, not all cat tombs were...
Pharaoh Senebkay was different to other Egyptian kings

This Abydos Pharaoh Was Unusual in Many Ways (Video)

The discovery of Pharaoh Senebkay‘s remains offers a unique glimpse into an unconventional Egyptian dynasty. Unlike typical pharaohs, Senebkay was a modest ruler, and his life was far from the...
Egyptian painting of dancers and flutists, from the Tomb of Nebamun. (Public Domain)

The Wildest Party in Ancient Egypt- The Festival of Drunkenness (Video)

In ancient Egypt , amidst the grandeur of pyramids and pharaohs, there existed a unique annual event—the Festival of Drunkenness . This mid-August celebration found its origins in Egyptian mythology...
Artifact found inside an ancient tomb. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Crazy Histories.

Most Shocking Things Found Inside Ancient Tombs (Video)

Ancient tombs hold astonishing relics that challenge our understanding of history. Egyptian tombs, like that of Pharaoh Khufu, contained remarkable ships , constructed without a single nail. These...
Facial reconstruction of Cleopatra. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Royalty Now Studios.

Remarkable Facial Reconstruction of Cleopatra (Video)

Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty , is a historical figure who has captured the imagination for centuries. Born in 69 BC, she ascended to the throne at just 18 years old...
The lid of a canopic jar depicting an Egyptian queen. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Who Did This Majestic Egyptian Canopic Jar Belong To? (Video)

From the depths of Egypt's Valley of the Kings comes a discovery shrouded in mystery. An ancient canopic jar , uncovered in 1907 from an uninscribed tomb, beckons our curiosity. This exquisite...
Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of ancient wine jars in Queen Merneith’s tomb. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

5,000-Year-Old Wine Jars Unearthed at Queen Merneith's Tomb

An important discovery at Umm Al-Qaab in Abydos, promises to add to the story of Queen Merneith, an Egyptian consort and regent, who could have also been the first or second queen of Egypt. A joint...
Lapis lazuli cult image of the God Ptah. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

This Egyptian Statue Was Created to Hold the Spirit of a God (Video)

In ancient Egypt, amid the grandeur of pyramids , obelisks, and temples , there exists a small yet captivating marvel—an exquisite lapis lazuli statue designed not for burial but for divine...
Head of Tutankhamun. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Face of the Boy King: The Deeply Human Story Behind Tutankhamun's Head (Video)

This exquisite limestone sculpture, currently an exhibit at the New York Met, captures the youthful innocence of Tutankhamun , the boy king, at the tender age of six. Crafted with meticulous detail,...
A Hippopotamus. Source: Aintschie / Adobe Stock.

Hunting Hippos Was a Royal Sport in Ancient Egypt

To the modern observer, the hippopotamus might seem a curious creature - large and often languid in its watery habitat. However, in ancient Egypt, the hippo was regarded as one of the most ferocious...
Mural of an Embalmer in Ancient Egypt. Source: Mary Harrsch / Flickr.

A Day In The Life Of An Egyptian Embalmer (Video)

In ancient Egypt, embalmers played a sacred role, ensuring a smooth transition to the afterlife . Their intricate techniques helped preserve the deceased's appearance and identity. This process was...
Ingredients Used to Embalm Egyptian Senetnay Prove Her Elite Status

Ingredients Used to Embalm Egyptian Senetnay Prove Her Elite Status

A team of scientists led by archaeologists from the Max Planck Institute in Germany have just completed a comprehensive analysis of the balm or embalming fluid used in mummification procedures...
Ancient frescoes often depict scenes from the daily life, religious rituals, or important events of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Source: EdNurg/Adobe Stock

A Day in the Life of an Egyptian Pharaoh

Ancient Egypt, one of the greatest civilizations to have ever existed, spanned a vast timeline, lasting for approximately 3,000 years. For much of that time, it was ruled over by god-kings known as...
The golden mummy of Lady Isaious, at the Manchester Museum. Source: Allan Gluck/CC BY-SA 4.0

Golden Mummy of Lady Isaious and Her Lavish Journey into the Afterlife

Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie was one of the foremost Egyptologists and archaeologists of our time. Renowned for his discoveries in Egypt, as well as for pioneering systems of preserving...
Head and shoulders of an Egyptian mummy, the best-known of mummification methods.        Source: Andrea Izzotti/Adobe Stock

7 Fascinating Ways Ancient Cultures Mummified Their Dead

Mummies have long captured the imagination of people all over the world. These preserved remains offer a fascinating glimpse into the lives, beliefs, and traditions of ancient cultures. From the...
The god Khnum, accompanied by Heqet, in a relief from the mammisi (birth temple) at Dendera Temple complex. Source: Roland Unger/CC BY-SA 3.0

Beyond Fertility: Goddess Heqet’s Extensive Influence on Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, the goddess Heqet reigned supreme as a symbol of fertility and childbirth. Heqet’s following spanned the ages, from the Old Kingdom to the Ptolemaic period, due to her impact on...
Did Descendants of Cleopatra VII Survive and Produce the Legendary Queen Zenobia of Palmyra?

Did Descendants of Cleopatra VII Survive and Produce the Legendary Queen Zenobia of Palmyra?

Cleopatra VII, the last pharaoh of an independent Egypt, had four children: Caesarian (with Julius Caesar), twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene, and Ptolemy Philadelphia (the latter three...
Gold sandals and toe covers discovered in King Tut’s tomb, part of “The Discovery of King Tut" exhibition in New York City. (Mary Harrsch / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 )

These Objects Reveal Intimate Details of Tutankhamun's Life (Video)

Renowned Egyptologist Professor Joanne Fletcher curated a captivating exhibition in Barnsley, exploring the life of the famous pharaoh Tutankhamun. The exhibition not only celebrated Tutankhamun's...
Tutankhamun’s mask. Source: Alejandra / Adobe Stock.

Debunking The Myths of Tutankhamun with Top Egyptologist (Video)

Tutankhamun's reign was marked by his efforts to restore traditional practices after the preceding Amarna period, where a different form of religion was practiced in Egypt. The tomb of Tutankhamun ,...
Queen. Source: aicandy / Adobe Stock.

Mighty Queens: 8 Royal Powerhouses Who Shaped History (Video)

Throughout history, there have been several mighty queens who have made a significant impact on their nations. These influential women include Nefertiti, Marie Antoinette , Anne Boleyn, Mary Tudor,...
Left is the original photo of the Khafre statue; right is the photo cut in half and flipped.	Source: Author provided.

The Brilliance of ‘Pre-diluvian’ Sculpture - Cannot Be Hand Made!

I'm still digesting our recent tour to Egypt; the temple and the pyramids - just the atmosphere of the ancients was a lot to take in. Each time I visit, I’m stunned at the beauty, sophistication, and...
