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Spatulate tools found at the Contrabandiers Cave site in Morocco. Source: Cell Press.

Moroccan Cave Find Shows Ancient Humans Made Clothes 120,000 Years Ago

Researchers have announced the discovery of bone tools in a cave in Morocco that appear to have been used to carefully remove skins and fur from the bodies of dead animals. The skins recovered this...
The Dolmens of Antequera, remnants of prehistoric Iberia. Source: goyoconde / Adobe Stock

The Hominids of Hiberia: Neanderthals, Dolmens and Myths Entwined

At the southwestern tip of Eurasia, the geological cul-de-sac known as the Iberian Peninsula resides. With the majestic Pyrenees Mountains to the north, and the Pillars of Herakles at the Strait of...
The research site at Abrigo de Navalmaíllo which has been found to be a Neanderthal hunting camp.  Source: CENIEH

76,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Hunting Camp Discovered In Madrid

A 76,000-year-old hunter’s camp has been discovered and examined beneath the Spanish capital of Madrid. Here, in blood-soaked times of glory when the hunting was good, Neanderthals butchered and...
Image of the exterior of the Anchor Church Caves in Derbyshire, believed to have been first used as an Anglo-Saxon home. Source: Edmund Simons / RAU

Anchor Church Caves: Anglo-Saxon Home and Oldest House in Britain?

Archaeologists conducting a survey of a previously overlooked cave dwelling in Derbyshire have concluded that the sandstone caves were actually an Anglo-Saxon home way back in the 9th century. They’...
Altar in the Zoroastrian Chak-Chak fire temple in the mountains near Yazd, Iran.

Rare “Divine” Ancient Fire Temple Found in Iran

The remains of an ancient mountain fire temple have been discovered in Iran. While archaeology knows of almost 200 fire temples around the world this one is special because it displays a rare ancient...
Engraved giant deer phalanx from a late Middle Palaeolithic context (layer 4.5) at Einhornhöhle, Lower Saxony, Germany.

51,000-year-old Carving Reveals Neanderthals Produced Art

51,000 years ago, our Stone Age hominin cousins, the Neanderthals, left behind a thoughtfully carved and decorated deer toe bone. This piece of conceptual art found in northern Germany has just been...
The entrance to the Denisova cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia where the so-called new “Denisova Cave DNA” has proven, for the first time, the Neanderthals, Denisovans and Homo sapiens occupied the same cave at the same time sometimes!   Source: Professor Richard G. Roberts / University of Wollongong  By Ashley Cowie

Denisova Cave DNA: Neanderthals, Denisovans and Humans Lived Together!

The deeply-ancient Denisova Cave in Siberia was at times home to Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans “at the same time” based on the latest Denisova Cave DNA research. Nobody in the world had...
Paleolithic cave dwellers used torches, lamps, and fireplaces. Source: Gorodenkoff /Adobe Stock

Conquering the Dark: Finding the Light Behind Paleolithic Cave Art

Fascinating scientific experiments at Isuntza 1 Cave in the Basque region of Spain have attempted to replicate Paleolithic lighting conditions. The work is inspired by a desire to understand and...
Does Elba the ‘Shepherdess’ Show Early Animal Domestication?

Does Elba the ‘Shepherdess’ Reveal Early Animal Domestication?

A Mesolithic woman, now known as “Elba the Shepherdess, who lived 9,300 years ago has been brought back to life by facial reconstruction engineers. However, Elba the Shepherdess’s remains were...
New Evidence Suggests Humans Lived in the Americas 30,000 Years Ago

New Evidence Suggests Humans Lived in the Americas 30,000 Years Ago

An anthropologist from Iowa State University has found evidence in Mexico that humans lived in the Americas as far back as 33,000 years ago. This is 20,000 years earlier than the accepted date of...
Paleolithic Age Footprints of Children Discovered in La Garma Cave

Paleolithic Age Footprints of Children Discovered in La Garma Cave

Cantabria in northern Spain is famous for its cave systems that are adorned with deeply-ancient prehistoric drawings . In archaeological terms National Geographic calls the Museo de Altamira “the...
Genetic Study of Romanian Skull Upends Previous Theories of Evolution

Genetic Study of Romanian Skull Upends Previous Theories of Evolution

A team of researchers led by the Swedish Uppsala University geneticist Mattias Jakobsson have fully sequenced the genome of a woman who lived in Europe at least 35,000 years ago. Her DNA was...
Pythagoras the Hermit: the Pythagoras Cave on Samos

Pythagoras the Hermit: the Pythagoras Cave on Samos

On the Greek island of Samos there is a famous cave, named the Pythagoras Cave due to its association with the famous ancient Greek philosopher. Pythagoras is believed to have lived in the cave for a...
Neanderthals Found Near Rome In A Cave, “Hunted” and Eaten By Hyenas

Neanderthals Found Near Rome In A Cave, “Hunted” and Eaten By Hyenas

The ancient remains of nine Neanderthals found near Rome have been discovered in a cave. Italian archaeologistsspeculating as to how the Neanderthals found near Rome died, discovered tell-tale...
Kenyan Cave Child Grave Declared Africa’s Earliest Human Burial!

Kenyan Cave Child Grave Declared Africa’s Earliest Human Burial!

78,000 years ago someone buried a young child in a cave. Now, researchers say that child’s grave in Kenya is the earliest known example of a deliberate human burial by modern humans in Africa. The...
Child’s Handprints in Mexican Cave Reveal Ancient Maya Ritual

Child’s Handprints in Mexican Cave Reveal Ancient Maya Ritual

More than one hundred handprints made by children 1,200 years ago on the walls of a cave in Mexico may have been part of a mysterious coming-of-age ritual of the ancient Maya. Reuters reports that...
Timeline of Human Activity in Ancient Ireland is 33,000 Years Old!

Timeline of Human Activity in Ancient Ireland is 33,000 Years Old!

Signs of early human activity in Ireland dating back to a stunning 33,000 years have been found on a bone fragment which was unearthed in cave over 100 years ago. This paradigm-changing discovery...
Prehistoric hominid species (Andrea Izzotti / Adobe Stock).

New Human Ancestor Species Discovered… And it had a Tail!

A multi-disciplinary and multi-national team of archaeologists, anthropologists and geneticists in Siberia have announced the sensational discovery of a new hominid species that interbred with our...
 Deep Time Experiment: Living Isolated In A French Cave For 40 Days

Deep Time Experiment: Living Isolated In A French Cave For 40 Days

On March 14, 2021, a group of 15 curious and intrepid souls retreated into the depths of Lombrives Cave in the department of Ariège in southwestern France as part of the unique Deep Time experiment...
Sections of the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets scroll discovered in the Judean Desert expedition prior to their conservation. Source: Shai Halevi / Israel Antiquities Authority

Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Discovered In Judean Desert Cave

Dozens of fragments of a 2,000-year-old biblical “Dead Sea scroll” have been found in a cave in the Judean desert, Israel. It is the first time such text has been found in 60 years, since the...
A March 2021 group photo of the archaeologists on the team that brought the Navarra Loizu Man’s remains from deep within the cave where they were first found in 2017.

11,700-Year-Old ‘Loizu Man’ Skeleton Still Revealing Secrets

While surveying a cave known as Errotalde I, near the town of Erro in the province of Navarra in northern Spain, a group of spelunkers discovered something most unexpected. After following multiple...
Severed Head of Stone Age Women Found Lodged in Rocks of Italian Cave

Severed Head of Stone Age Woman Found Lodged in Rocks of Italian Cave

Archaeologists arrived at Marcel Loubans cave near Bologna , Italy, in 2017 to embark on a unique rescue mission . Their goal was to extract a solitary human skull that had somehow become marooned on...
The biggest breakthrough in the Little Foot study was the scientific power of Diamond Light Source's advanced synchrotron technology.

Micro-Laser Study Reveals Hardships In Little Foot’s Life

Using the latest in advanced imaging technology, a team of scientists from the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Spain performed a series of detailed examinations of the fossilized remains of Little...
The Oldest? 17,300-Year-Old Kangaroo Painting Discovered in Australia

The Oldest? 17,300-Year-Old Kangaroo Painting Discovered in Australia

A life size red ochre kangaroo painting has been discovered in Australia . The ancient artwork has been dated to around 17,300 years old and the researchers are calling it “the oldest dated painted...
