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Archaeologists discovered a pot of gold Persian coins, called darics, at the ancient city of Notion in Turkey. The coins show a figure of a kneeling archer, the characteristic design of the Persian daric, a type of gold coin issued by the Persian Empire.	Source: Photo courtesy of Notion Archaeological Project, University of Michigan

Classic Pot of Ancient Persian Gold Coins Unearthed in Turkey

A team of archaeologists from the University of Michigan, led by Christopher Ratté, has uncovered a significant hoard of Persian gold coins in the ancient city of Notion, located in western Turkey...
Late Bronze Age hoard found in Carmarthenshire, Wales.	Source: Mark Lodwick / British Museum, CC BY-SA 4.0

What Did Bronze Age People Do With All That Bronze?

Catherine J. Frieman & Caroline Schuster /The Conversation We have no written evidence about how people lived in Europe during the Bronze Age (2300–800 BC), so archaeologists piece together their...
Artist’s impression of the Harpole Bed Burial (Image: with permission © MOLA)

Anglo-Saxon Bed Burials And Grandmother’s Featherbed

In April 2022, a ‘once in a lifetime” British archaeological discovery was made of a rare bed burial , accompanied by grave goods, known as the Harpole Treasure. So important and so vital was it to...
Roman hoard of pewter items from the Euston find site in Suffolk. Source: Suffolk County Council

Metal Detecting Event Uncovers Significant Roman Hoard in UK

A ‘significant hoard’ of Roman items discovered in England last year by an amateur detectorist has gone on display, much to the delight of history enthusiasts and archaeologists involved in the dig...
A couple living in a historical home in a village in North Yorkshire, England found a rare coin hoard, more than 260 coins, under the kitchen floor they were renovating, and soon they will receive a small fortune from the auctioneer. Source: Spink & Son

UK Couple’s Home Renovation Leads to Rare Coin Hoard Worth $280,000

When a couple living in an 18th-century North Yorkshire village home embarked on a renovation project, they were ready to spend money, and redoing the old kitchen floor was on the list. But before...
Archaeologist from Archaeology Baselland excavates the pot of Roman coins.	Source: Archaeology Baselland

Swiss Metal Detectorist Finds 1,290 4th Century Roman Coins!

Nearly 1,300 priceless 4th-century AD Roman coins, all in a pot, were found in September 2021 near Bubendorf, Basel County, Switzerland by amateur archaeologist volunteer, Daniel Ludin. During one of...
The Bronze Age hoard of axe heads and Milly Hardwick from a photograph by her mother Claire in the Royston Crow news.		Source: Claire Hardwick / Cambridgeshire County Council / Royston Crow

Metal Detectorist Milly Hardwick Finds Bronze Age Hoard of Axe Heads

Her metal detector went crazy. Milly Hardwick, the 13-year-old English girl, had discovered ancient treasure. This September, Milly identified a rare archaeological Bronze Age hoard in a field near...
Artifacts from the Cuerdale Hoard on display in the British Museum. 		Source: Ethan Doyle White / CC BY-SA 4.0

England’s Viking Cuerdale Hoard Is The Second Biggest Of Them All!

There are Viking hoards and then there are amazing Viking hoards. England’s Cuerdale Hoard, discovered in the 1840s, is in the amazing category in more ways than one! In terms of weight and number of...
The mostly silver Vale of York Hoard found in 2007 by two (father and son) metal detectorists. Photo source: Wikimedia.

The Vale of York Hoard: The Finest Silver Viking Treasure Find In The UK

The Vale of York Hoard is a Viking hoard dating to the 10th century AD. The hoard, which consists primarily of silver coins, was discovered by a pair of metal detectorists in 2007. The objects in the...
8 Jars Of Colombian Emeralds, Gold, and Silver Unearthed Near Bogotá

8 Jars Of Colombian Emeralds, Gold, and Silver Unearthed Near Bogotá

Archaeologists in Colombia have discovered a vast treasure hoard that’s being related to El Dorado, the legendary city of gold. But these offerings of gold, silver and Colombian emeralds have nothing...
Part of one of the hoards as it was found in 2012.

Gifts for the Gods? Over 350 Artifacts Discovered in Transylvania Begin to Provide Details on Ancient Trade Routes

Corina Bors with the National History Museum of Romania, recently presented at the European Association of Archaeologists in Glasgow, Scotland about the two massive stashes that were discovered in...