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Shield recreation team.			Source:   © 2024 The Trustees of the British Museum

How Was A Bark Shield From The Iron Age Made? (Video)

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Sophia Adams, curator of the European Iron Age and Roman Conquest collection at the British Museum, provides insights into the intricate process of recreating an Iron Age bark shield discovered in Leicestershire. This artifact is unique, as it is the only known bark shield from this period in Europe, potentially even the world. Adams collaborates with a team of specialists, each contributing their expertise in fields like bark working and Iron Age technology, to faithfully reconstruct the shield.

The initial step involved selecting and harvesting suitable bark from willow trees, which required careful consideration of factors like bark fissuring and tree health. By peeling the bark off using specific tools and methods, the team ensured minimal damage to the tree, observing how it healed over the subsequent three years.

Crafting the shield involved shaping the bark and understanding its properties. The process included removing unnecessary layers and focusing on the bast fiber layer for strength. The team used traditional woodworking techniques, such as tying and stitching, to bind the bark and maintain its shape. Hazel rods and Black Thorn thorns were employed to reinforce the structure.

Sophia emphasized the importance of hands-on experimentation in understanding the shield's construction and functionality. The project revealed new insights into Iron Age craftsmanship, including the practical and psychological roles of such shields in warfare. The team's ongoing efforts and adjustments to the replica provided a deeper understanding of the original artifact's materials and construction techniques, highlighting the shield's significance in Iron Age society.

Top image: Shield recreation team.                                        Source:   © 2024 The Trustees of the British Museum

By Robbie Mitchell

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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