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"ancient ...resource competition"

Hi GMik,

Sadly, you are right, I fear that this amazing planet is heading for total melt-down.  I think our species might just manage to reach Mars……..then go extinct.

I’ve heard the idea that  nuclear war could actually be weirdly beneficial to our survival, as a sort of “reset”.

In my youth, the analogy by some scientists used to be “rats fighting in a cage”.   I don’t understand the politics of the situation, but I think that, in other opinions, the phrase was frowned upon, (“humans are better than that”) or scientifically  contested.  The phrase fell out of use.

There’s another subject, on which I’d like your comment:  in the science arena, “way out” theories are sometimes dismissed out of hand by the “establishment”.  The “way-out theorist” is sometimes subjected to ridicule and humiliation, before further research proves them correct.  It’s a fascinating  social process.  If someone produced solid mathematical proof that dark matter doesn’t exist, they’d have a hard time!

I sometimes read the silly stuff in Ancient Origins, and it’s understandable why the establishment gets a bit closed-minded!

But it makes me wonder if there have been serious ideas, in the past, that were simply not pursued.


The madness of western society

To anyone who wants to understand how we have arrived at the point where we are the most dangerous, murderous animal on the planet I emplore you to read Joseph Chilton Pearce’s book The biology of transcendence’.  It gives an incredibly lucid account of how we got to this state and what we can do to get out of it.  This is no easy matter, but it is still possible. 


New Premium Subscriber

Hey all,

I have been using the freebie version of the android app for almost a year now, today I have taken the plunge and become a premium member. I love the app and have devoured 3 or 4 articles in one sitting, but am now discovering the site as well.

I work in I.T. by trade and work for a large Cloud provider, I guess I have a bit of a secret passion for all things Mythological, Ancient, or Legends, which started when I was given a book on King Arthur which quickly became (and still is to a degree) a bit of an obsession I read everything I could get my hands on whether it be historical fiction (Bernard Cornwell the warlord chronicles) Reading the articles on Ancient Origins has peaked my interest even more on so many more diverse subjects which I would never have known.

So just wanted to says thanks to the creators of the content and everyone involved at ancient origins 

Newbie here

Hi all.  I’m Nancy.  I found this site by accident and love it all.  I live in Central California and a newly retired attorney.  I have always been a science buff and fascinated with human evolution.  I about died and went to heaven at the Smithsonian in Washington DC.  Look forward to connecting with like minded people with curiosity.  Great site!!


The Atlantis Discussion

Hello njenner, I’m Dennis.

I do research on Atlantis and would like to start a discussion about its location. After researching Atlantis for many years, I can now recognize all of the terrain features Plato wrote about. Thanks to internet-maps we can visit all of the places he described. All the information is in the Americas. I am at the forum under Myths and Legends - Atlantis. Join the discussion!



Seen some very interesting post by this site on FB.

I have an interest in most subjects that relate to the past that are beyond mere claims which have evidential facts to support the contentions made.

Retired yet still finding new ways to be creative and grow, I look forward to looking back….


The Daily Sledge

New to the site

Spent hours and hours reading here last night after stumbling upon you so the least I could do was sign up.

Student of Caledonia, born bred and initiated in Scotland, the mystical current of Iona is alive. Started off gettin the train up to the city for the theosophical society lectures when I was 17, it's been a long road of uncovering the secrets of this land and myself whilst watching it all tie to wider history ever since. 

At age 30 I find I'm becoming more stoic, and how much more my attention is flying back to good old anthropology and theology studies. 

Happy to be here, thanks for everyone's efforts so far. 

Am I unable to view the forum via the app? All I can find their are the articles. 

Kind Regards 



A watergaw, wae it’s chitterin’ licht.

The Atlantis Discussion

Hello Willoward, I’m Dennis.

I do research on Atlantis and would like to start a discussion about its location. After researching Atlantis for many years, I can now recognize all of the terrain features Plato wrote about. Thanks to internet-maps we can visit all of the places he described. All the information is in the Americas. I am at the forum under Myths and Legends - Atlantis. Join the discussion!


The Atlantis Discussion

Hello AngusMacGregor, I’m Dennis.

I do research on Atlantis and would like to start a discussion about its location. After researching Atlantis for many years, I can now recognize all of the terrain features Plato wrote about. Thanks to internet-maps we can visit all of the places he described. All the information is in the Americas. I am at the forum under Myths and Legends - Atlantis. Join the discussion!


I don’t usually like doing

I don’t usually like doing forum introductions, usually I just jump in but it says “please introduce yourself”. I’m sure I registered here before but it says email not recognised so have reregistered. I’m interested in some similar topics as Ancient Origins, though I don’t always agree with the opinions.

I have been studying bits and pieces of history and mysteries and origins and some other subjects/fields since my teenage years, especially ancient history like biblical. I’m not really what some would call fringe, though I’m not mainstream conventional either, I in between and try to find the truth and always consider a range of sources from different people. I’m not closed/puritanical/stuck-up and am always interested in peoples info and ideas, and I try to be objective and go by evidences. A number of people have said I think outside the box. I’ve made quite a few discoveries but its hard to get anyone to be interested.

The Atlantis Discussion

Hello Willoward, I’m Dennis.

I do research on Atlantis and would like to start a discussion about its location. After researching Atlantis for many years, I can now recognize all of the terrain features Plato wrote about. Thanks to internet-maps we can visit all of the places he described. All the information is in the Americas. I am at the forum under Myths and Legends - Atlantis. Join the discussion!


Bringing The Past to Life (my version of it at least)

Greetings Ancient Origins and Associated Humans,

I am a writer, and joined AO after finding a great amount of useful information for stories I write. With a dozen mostly modern military fiction novels published I am swinging into new genres. At present I am working on a historical fiction series set in mid-13th century during the Mongol Invasion of Europe, and a seperate historical/fantasy series set in the years between the Fall of Man and expulsion from The Garden, up to the Judgement of Water and utter destruction of that civilization.

I find myself coming here to read an article on ancient megalithic carvings then four hours later find myself reading a history of post-Roman architecture and medieval boat building methods. Looking forward to gleaning and even sharing .

Basil Sands 

Hi all, I came across this

Hi all, I came across this site and this interests me especially in ancient Egypt.

Introduce yourself

Hi All,
Just joined today, first started to see alot about Ancient Origins alot on YouTube.

I enjoy reading about cultures – kind of an acknowledgement of what came before. And find the things they did quite facinating.

Mostly though I enjoy Egypt – and have done one of those online learning course on the subject.

I look forward to many interesting discussions, with people of a like mind. And reading up through the site. 
I would like to attend one of the group travels, maybe not this year but soon.


Introduce yourself

Hi All,
Just joined today, first started to see alot about Ancient Origins alot on YouTube.

I enjoy reading about cultures – kind of an acknowledgement of what came before. And find the things they did quite facinating.

Mostly though I enjoy Egypt – and have done one of those online learning course on the subject.

I look forward to many interesting discussions, with people of a like mind. And reading up through the site. 
I would like to attend one of the group travels, maybe not this year but soon.


Introduce Yourself

First name is Randy and I am recently fascinated by prehistoric cultures in North America: mostly prompted by Graham Hancock.  These sites of intrest include Poverty Point, Frenchmen’s Bend, and Watson’t Brake.  I built a home about 5 miles west of Watson Brake in the southernmost hills of the Ozarks. I always figured that the abundance of wildlife and fish inb lowlands 5 minutes from my home in the hills would have been an ideal place for a primitive society.  Sounds like the pre-Hopewells agreed.

Love Learning the Previously Unknown



Love Learning the Previously Unknown

Introduce Yourself

Greetings everyone !
My name is WhiteDevil and I am from India . I came across this site recently and it intrests me a lot. I am really facinated about  Ancient Egypt culture . 


hii everyone  My name is

hii everyone  My name is Magha and I am a software engineer . I work in Accenture company. I have good knowledge of cyber security and  cloud software.  I have joined this group for sharing my knowlage.I enjoyed joining the group

